Ifa Lunar year starts from June 2019  to June  2020 the following year .

The month of June according to Yoruba and Ifa is called OKUDU , the meaning of okudu is shrewd in secrecy , it literarily means a symbolic personification of the power of female divinities and goddess . Okudu can mean survival from death with blessing from ancestral realm .

The odu for this  Ifa year  2019 is OYEKU IDI .

The odu speaks extensively on the power of female divinities and goddess to make the year fruitful and meaningful  . Those who want to prosper this year must take good care of all female divinities such as Osun , the goddess of beauty ,love, intimacy ,diplomacy , fortune and victory , Erinle , the goddess of medicine ,healing, comfort and physicians , OBA ,the oracle or goddess of domesticity and marriage ,Aje  ,the goddess of wealth and riches as well as Oya, the goddess associated with wind ,lightning  fertility, fire and magic .

The male  divinities  to  exalt and sanctified this year is Obaluaye to prevent misfortune of infectious diseases, illness ; and Esu , the divinity associated with crossroad ,duality  beginning and Balance ; and Sango ,the deity associated with thunder and lightning,; Ogun , the ferocious divinity of war ,iron ,fire hunting ,politics and battle ..

The odu for the year oyeku idi speaks of personal and financial success with women . The unmarried men must treat women or ladies with respect and  be cautious  so as to attract abundance blessings from Olodumare. Ifa says while men  or devotees of ifa would offer sacrifice to the above female divinities to attract blessings and fortunes of greater proportion , they should not forget to offer sacrifice to the male divinities to prevent death ,illness, disappointments and misfortune . Ifa says male devotees should not lay  emphasis on sexual activity so that their well being would not be threatened but a cooperation and positive treatment of lady would yield victory and generation blessings  . Ifa says male devotees should see female or wives as a good partner in progress that would trigger spiritual blessing into their lives and their  generations .

Ifa says ,the female devotees must offer sacrifice to all male divinities for protection ,direction, blessings of good partners , job creation , employment opportunities , harmony within the family and victory over sickness associated with bowel and abdominal disorder or pains .

Ifa says so many bachelors and spinsters would find good partners if they are faithful to Olodumare . It is the good time to increase prosperity , productivity ,harmony and success , hence the married should refrain from immorality and build up a solid cooperation with their family members  because the hour and time of  great blessing is near . While the unmarried would be blessed with good partner  if they are devoted with heart and mind . Ifa says people should make traveling part of the activities because of enormous blessing, riches, wealth and prosperity.
Pray against peril of distant journey and death . Ifa says many people would overcome challenges and adversity and many also would become rich and popular . Ifa says  all Ifa devotees must commit themselves  to the work at hand ,doing  their job very well , be quick in discharging their jobs and endeavor to enlarge their  territories ,because a breakthrough and abundance is imminent. Ifa says people would overcome many obstacles in life . It also advises people to be honest ,faithful and trustworthy . Ifa says pray against many unresolved issues , wars ,and kidnapping . Ifa says a lot of close family would experience blessings and victory ,but faith in Olodumare is required to manifest fulfillment of destiny .
Ifa a gbe wa o, may Olodumare locate you all with His mercy.
Ire o.


O ano da Lunar começa de junho de 2019 a junho de 2020 no ano seguinte.

O mês de junho de acordo com os iorubás e Ifá se chama OKUDU, o significado de okudu é sagaz em sigilo, literalmente significa uma personificação simbólica do poder das divindades e deusas femininas. Okudu pode significar a sobrevivência da morte com benção do reino ancestral.

O odu para este ano Ifa 2019 é OYEKU IDI.

O odu fala extensivamente sobre o poder das divindades femininas e da deusa para tornar o ano frutífero e significativo. Aqueles que querem prosperar este ano devem cuidar bem de todas as divindades femininas, como Osun, a deusa da beleza, amor, intimidade, diplomacia, fortuna e vitória, Erinle, a deusa da medicina, cura, conforto e médicos, OBA, o oráculo ou deusa da domesticidade e do casamento, Aje, a deusa da riqueza e riqueza, bem como Oya, a deusa associada ao vento, fertilidade relâmpago, fogo e magia.

As divindades masculinas para exaltar e santificar este ano são Obaluaye para prevenir infortúnios de doenças infecciosas, doenças; e Èşu, a divindade associada à encruzilhada, início da dualidade e Equilíbrio; e Sango, a divindade associada a trovões e relâmpagos; Ogum, a feroz divindade da guerra, ferro, caça ao fogo, política e batalha.

O odu para o ano oyeku idi fala de sucesso pessoal e financeiro com as mulheres. Os homens solteiros devem tratar as mulheres ou as damas com respeito e ser cautelosos, de modo a atrair bênçãos abundantes de Olodumare. Ifa diz que enquanto homens ou devotos de ifa ofereceriam sacrifício às divindades femininas acima para atrair bênçãos e fortunas de maior proporção, eles não deveriam esquecer de oferecer sacrifício às divindades masculinas para prevenir morte, doença, desapontamentos e desgraça. Ifa diz que os devotos do sexo masculino não devem colocar ênfase na atividade sexual para que seu bem estar não seja ameaçado, mas uma cooperação e tratamento positivo da dama renderá bênçãos de vitória e geração. Ifa diz que os devotos do sexo masculino deveriam ver mulheres ou esposas como um bom parceiro em progresso que provocariam bênçãos espirituais em suas vidas e gerações.

Ifa diz que as mulheres devotadas devem oferecer sacrifício a todas as divindades masculinas por proteção, direção, bênçãos de bons parceiros, criação de emprego, oportunidades de emprego, harmonia dentro da família e vitória sobre doenças associadas a distúrbios intestinais e abdominais ou dores.
Ifa diz que muitos solteirões e solteironas encontrariam bons parceiros se fossem fiéis a Olodumare. É o bom momento para aumentar a prosperidade, a produtividade, a harmonia e o sucesso, por isso os casados ​​devem abster-se da imoralidade e construir uma cooperação sólida com os membros da família porque a hora e a hora da grande bênção estão próximas. Enquanto os solteiros seriam abençoados com bons parceiros se fossem dedicados com coração e mente. Ifa diz que as pessoas devem viajar parte das atividades por causa da enorme bênção, riquezas, riqueza e prosperidade.
Ore contra o perigo de jornada distante e morte. Ifa diz que muitas pessoas superariam desafios e adversidades e muitas também se tornariam ricas e populares. Ifa diz que todos os devotos de Ifa devem se comprometer com o trabalho em mãos, fazendo seu trabalho muito bem, ser rápidos em desempenhar seus trabalhos e se esforçar para ampliar seus territórios, porque um avanço e abundância é iminente. Ifa diz que as pessoas superariam muitos obstáculos na vida. Também aconselha as pessoas a serem honestas, fiéis e confiáveis. Ifa diz rezar contra muitos problemas não resolvidos, guerras e seqüestros. Ifa diz que muita família próxima experimentaria bênçãos e vitória, mas a fé em Olodumare é necessária para manifestar o cumprimento do destino.
Se você quiser, pode Olodumare localizar todos vocês com a Sua misericórdia.
Ire o.

Ifa año lunar comienza desde junio de 2019 hasta junio de 2020 al año siguiente.

El mes de junio según Yoruba e Ifa se llama OKUDU, el significado de okudu es secreto, significa literalmente una personificación simbólica del poder de las divinidades y diosas femeninas. Okudu puede significar la supervivencia de la muerte con la bendición del reino ancestral.

El odu para este año 2019 es OYEKU IDI.

El odu habla extensamente sobre el poder de las divinidades y diosas femeninas para hacer que el año sea fructífero y significativo. Quienes quieran prosperar este año deben cuidar bien de todas las divinidades femeninas como Osun, la diosa de la belleza, el amor, la intimidad, la diplomacia, la fortuna y la victoria, Erinle, la diosa de la medicina, la curación, la comodidad y los médicos, OBA, oráculo o diosa de la domesticidad y el matrimonio, Aje, la diosa de la riqueza y la riqueza, así como Oya, la diosa asociada con el viento, la fertilidad de los rayos, el fuego y la magia.

Las divinidades masculinas para exaltar y santificar este año son Obaluaye para prevenir la desgracia de enfermedades infecciosas, enfermedades; y Esu, la divinidad asociada con la encrucijada, el comienzo de la dualidad y el equilibrio; y Sango, la deidad asociada con el trueno y el relámpago; Ogun, la feroz divinidad de la guerra, el hierro, la caza del fuego, la política y la batalla.

El odu para el año oyeku idi habla de éxito personal y financiero con las mujeres. Los hombres solteros deben tratar a las mujeres o damas con respeto y ser cautelosos para atraer las bendiciones de abundancia de Olodumare. Ifa dice que si bien los hombres o los devotos de ifa ofrecerían sacrificios a las divinidades femeninas anteriores para atraer bendiciones y fortunas de mayor proporción, no deberían olvidar ofrecer sacrificios a las divinidades masculinas para prevenir la muerte, la enfermedad, las decepciones y las desgracias. Ifa dice que los devotos masculinos no deben poner énfasis en la actividad sexual para que su bienestar no sea amenazado, pero una cooperación y un tratamiento positivo de la dama producirán la victoria y las bendiciones de la generación. Ifa dice que los devotos varones deben ver a las mujeres o esposas como una buena pareja en el progreso que desencadenaría la bendición espiritual en sus vidas y en sus generaciones.

Ifa dice, las devotas mujeres deben ofrecer sacrificios a todas las divinidades masculinas para la protección, la dirección, las bendiciones de los buenos compañeros, la creación de empleos, las oportunidades de empleo, la armonía dentro de la familia y la victoria sobre la enfermedad asociada con trastornos intestinales y abdominales o dolores.
Ifa dice que muchos solteros y solteros encontrarían buenos socios si son fieles a Olodumare. Es el buen momento para aumentar la prosperidad, la productividad, la armonía y el éxito, por lo tanto, los casados ​​deben abstenerse de la inmoralidad y establecer una sólida cooperación con los miembros de su familia porque la hora y la hora de la gran bendición están cerca. Mientras que los solteros serían bendecidos con un buen compañero si son devotos con corazón y mente. Ifa dice que la gente debería hacer que viajar sea parte de las actividades debido a las enormes bendiciones, riquezas, riqueza y prosperidad.
Oren contra el peligro de un viaje lejano y la muerte. Ifa dice que muchas personas superarían los desafíos y la adversidad y muchas también se volverían ricas y populares. Ifa dice que todos los devotos de Ifa deben comprometerse con el trabajo en cuestión, hacer su trabajo muy bien, ser rápidos en el desempeño de sus trabajos y esforzarse por ampliar sus territorios, porque un avance y una abundancia son inminentes. Ifa dice que la gente superaría muchos obstáculos en la vida. También aconseja a las personas a ser honestos, fieles y confiables. Ifa dice reza contra muchos asuntos sin resolver, guerras y secuestros. Ifa dice que mucha familia cercana experimentaría bendiciones y victoria, pero se requiere fe en Olodumare para manifestar el cumplimiento del destino.
Si es un niño, que Olodumare los encuentre a todos con Su misericordia.
Ire o.

Sango IV

This text is a continuing of the post from July 29 | Sango III.

Remember that the first Sango was the one that left the city of HEAVEN-  ORUN AJANTE  or AJULE ORUN (that is Yoruba name for heaven),  with other great divinities, called IRUNMOLE.  These great divinities include  Obatala Oseremanigbo, Ifa Orunmila Bara me Agboniregun (HEEPA BABA IMOLE ), Ogun Alakaye Osin Imale (OGUN EREJA), ESU LALU (ESU LAROYE, ESU ODARA,  ONILE ORITA OKUNRIN JOGOLO) AND SANGO AKOKO ( THE FIRST SANGO ) .

After the exit of these great Irunmole or Divinities, and most especially Sango in question,  ascended to heaven through mysterious means, there had been many of  the reincarnation of Sango (the first true Sango ). One of these reincarnation was called TELLA, in the city of Oyo (note, in the olden days, the city of Oyo was called Eyeo or Katunga ). Tella because of his similarity and aggressiveness and fear factor, he was named after the first Sango, IRUNMOLE ATELEJA (divinity with metaphysical forces). Till now, Tella  was taken and still mistaken  by many for the original Sango  who came directly from heaven  and His parental lineage is Olodumare, and that is the reason, the first Sango was called DIVINITY  from the realm of divine (any being from the realm of divine is called IRUNMOLE ). Tella had earthly Mother and father, His mother came from the land of Nupe, and his father was one of the sons of Oduduwa, hence the later Sango whose original name was Tella is Orisa (a brave man turn to saint, that is, he became a saint after his demise).  In Saint in Yoruba Pantheon is called ORISA.

Indeed, Sango  and Tella had been taken to be one or the same,  because of physical, emotional and spiritual similarities and attitude related to fear, intimidation and aggression. This is a faulty observation as the time that elapsed between divinity  and Deity (the heavenly created and earthily glorification). Indeed, Tella’s family is known as Against Sango Irunmole  whose parent can be traced to Olodumare as the original mensenger of Infinite merciful Creator. Tella who is later known as Sango Oba Koso, had his mother in the person of OMOTOYOSI, and His father  in the person of Oranmiyan It was tella who was a king in the city of OYO or Eyeo ort Katunga who attempted hanging himself and his follower including his cohort advised him against his selfish attitude hence he was name



About a two and half  centuries  ago  OR MORE, there reigned in the old town of oyo know as OYO ILE  or KATUNGA,  a king called Shango  Oba Koso, who was very powerful  and wise monarch. He was a great medicine man or witch-doctor  and claimed to be able to kill people by ejecting  fire from his mouth. His reign was tyrannical and cruel, brute and violent . He had two emissaries in the person of GBONKA and TIMI.


The two powerful men was under the control of SANGO ARAMBABI OLUKOSO AJALA IJI, but he ( SANGO ) knew that his end was imminent because of these  two great warriors, he decided to eliminate the two by setting them up against one another. He failed to realize that ”OKo ta ba so mope, lope ma saa so maani, eni derun lerun ma to, elulu to fa ojo, ori ara re lo fa le, ohun ti a ba gbin la ma ka”, translated, to mean, whatever you plant you reap, it is  written at the portal (door)  of heaven, which is unchangeable law of divine realm). Hence every man must desist from evil, evil spread like ashes, likewise  goodness spread like fire under the sun,  always seek good, do good and establish good where your leg and your destiny take you to. The witch and the wizard are within, the mercy and goodness are within, you only fuel the one you like best and like most , like a small seed that transform into big tree or large shrub, your past attitude, action and habit are picked by the outside vibration and ether, and they were sent back to you in double or triple, hence, you accuse the world and the people living in the world as being cruel, brute and nasty. Examine yourself, most evils are  the products of  your ignorance, selfishness, greed, and non- chalantan attitude, whenever you want to set one man against another, remember the story of TELLA. Be careful of what  you are doing and do it well.

Sango was jealous and set these two great men under him to fight against each other, hoping that both would die. Gbonka conquered Timi, and later Gbonka deposed  king Sango. Sango fled in total shame. He was accompanied by his three wives; OYA , OSUN, AND OBA  and some of his loyal followers or devotees. He  became wanderer in the forest or bush, being gradually deserted by all, until only his favourite wife OYA  remained with him. Then, in despair, Sango hung himself  on  an old tree called AYAN (AYAN TREE ). OYA  fled north and became the presiding  goddess of the river called ODO OYA or RIVER NIGER .

People who had seen the body of Sango hanging  from a tree entered the town  and reported  OBA SO  that the king hanged. The friends  of Sango were so incensed that they determined to avenge their deceased monarch

To be continued.

God bless you all,

Olayinka Babatunde Ogunsina Adewuyi

When We Encounter Difficulties

From one of our members from North America

When we encounter difficulties and failure and we are overwhelmed by frustration and despair, they are all telling us:

“Return to Ifa-Olodumare.”

When our trust has been betrayed or our love fulfilled, they are telling us;

“Return to Ifa-Olodumare.”

When we begin to feel that life is meaningless, empty or pointless these feelings are telling us:

“Return to Ifa-Olodumare. There can be no genuine satisfaction, peace and purpose in life without the loving presence and guiding influence of Ifa-Olodumare.”

When we see that we are losing our bearings and moral compass in life this awareness is communicating to us:

“Return to Father Ifa-Olodumare and Mother Isese. Return home where you are loved and at peace. Return home where you are safe and protected. Return to Ifa-Olodumare.”

Alafia, Olayinka Babatunde Ogunsina Adewuyi

Oracle Or Divination?

Blessings of long life and prosperity to you by the unfailing and efficacious blessings of Iworiwofun. Ase.

Today I would like us to briefly consider the interesting subject of Ifa in its aspect as a divinely authorized system imbued with divine life and intelligence and through which we can obtain clear, precise, specific, personal, insightful and pragmatic instructions from Olodumare which has a verifiable and significant bearing upon our lives in such a revelatory (personal) manner that there is no doubt that the Divine Olodumare is revealing things to us in a personal, astounding and lofty way through Ifa.
In common usage today the word ‘divination’, is the word used to describe the process of consulting Ifa-Olodumare. Is this word correct? Is Ifa a ‘divination’ system? Well, it all depends on your personal understanding of the exact meaning of the word divination. Personally I do not agree that Ifa is a ‘divinatory system’ and that the word ‘divination’ is the right, correct and/or accurate word to use when referring to consulting the guidance, wisdom and power of Olodumare through Orunmila (IFA). I will share my views and thoughts with you as to why I uphold my perspective and I’ll leave it up to you to make up your own mind whether ‘divination’ is the right word to use when we are referring to consulting Ifa.
That the mechanics by which we obtain Odu Ifa and that other procedural processes of Ifa consultation are orderly and systematic no one can doubt. Something being orderly and systematic is one thing and something being ‘divinatory’ is another thing altogether.
The word divination in the English language implies a process by which to arrive at answers via a method or system based mostly on probability, relative and limited capacity of intuition and/or guesswork. In others words, in ‘divination’ there is an element of uncertainty, possibility of error and incompleteness. Personally I would not want to make any real life decisions and choices based on any kind of ‘divination’ or ‘divination system’ because those systems operate on the principle of probability, relative and untrained limited intuition, and/or guesswork. Something can be probable but that doesn’t mean that it is true. Someone can make a very good, educated and intelligent guess and still be very wrong about something. A person can intuit something and discover that his or her intuition was wrong, unreliable and inconsistent.
It is truth, reality, actuality that we want; clear, realistic, accurate and verifiable truth is what we are seeking. This desired level of knowledge, understanding and wisdom or truth can only come from a Perfect Divine Source and cannot be the handiwork of probability, guesswork, and/or incomplete and narrow personal experiences nor the product of finite human intelligence and relative intuitional ability. Divination is not a sure and reliable thing. Divination guarantees nothing. At best it is a refined way of guessing, affirming what one already knows or hoping something is so. To make choices and decisions that are going to have real consequences and repercussions based on ‘divination’ i.e. hopeful guesswork, mere probability and an uninformed, untrained and unguided intuition does not seem to me to be an intelligent option, at least not for me.
Ifa does not operate like this and therefore the word ‘divination’ or ‘divination system’ is not the accurate terminology to capture and express Ifa and its sacred methodology of divine procedence. This use of the word ‘divination’ or ‘divination system’ in relation to consulting Ifa and Orunmila has become so entrenched that only with great patience and accurate explanations can this misnomer be corrected and a more accurate and more becoming term be utilized.
If I am a Medical Doctor of Cardiology and you came to me to ascertain the nature of your particular and serious heart ailment, I am sure that you would run away as fast as your legs could carry you if I told you that I am going to ‘divinate’ to see what your heart problem is and whether heart surgery is the best option! You do not want me to ‘divinate’ i.e. guess anything. You came to consult with me so that I can tell you what I cent per cent ‘KNOW’ about your ailment and what real and effective treatments we could apply to treat and cure you. Well, when we come to Orunmila, we are coming to consult the expert doctor who knows. Orunmila will not be getting me to do anything if he is ‘divinating’ i.e. giving me his best guess. No way. Not ever. Orunmila is an educated, highly trained, superbly endowed expert in all matters relating to our lives by virtue of the blessings, guidance, preparation and training he received from OLODUMARE’S DIVINE UNIVERSITY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, DIVINE HEALING MEDICINE, COMPASSIONATE COUNSELING AND REAL PRACTICAL DIVINE TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS LEADING TO IMMEDIATE BENEFICIAL AND PERSONALLY VERIFIABLE RESULTS. ORUNMILA got his many PH.D.’s and DIVINE MEDICINE, DIVINE SCIENCE and PSYCHOLOGY High Degrees in Olodumare’s divine school of divine instruction and training for Irunmole. When you consult Divine Professor Ifa and Dr. Orunmila you can be sure you will be getting the precise diagnosis and most reliable, effective and beneficial treatment plan. No guesswork but true knowledge, understanding and wisdom, having its source and center in Olodumare and not the finite, unreliable and imperfect human intelligence. So, when you see your doctor, and he performs tests and then gives you the treatment plan with prescription medications, you do not say the Doctor ‘divinated’ these things for you, neither do you say that you ‘divined’ with your Doctor. You say you consulted your doctor who is competent and trustworthy due to his many years of study, training, understanding, experience and application. Am I correct? In like manner we consult Ifa through Orunmila.
Ifa is a Living Oracle and Oracular system which is not the same as saying ‘divination’ or ‘divination system’. It is not a game of symantics or word play. If words are going to hold a value and meaning for us that meaning must be clear, precise and accurate. Words are sound symbols for meanings and values. An Oracle on the other hand is a living intelligent divine agent that is immediately and directly communicating to us through some divinely authorized and established means. Ifa Priests are skilled, intelligent, well studied, well trained  and divinely inspired (empowered) INTERPRETERS (Doctors) of the Divine Message which has been chosen and sent by Olodumare specifically to you, to bring remedy, solution and correction to your problem, situation and/or ailment. To call a Babalawo a ‘diviner’ is beneath his dignity and station as a servant of Olodumare, as a disciple of Orunmila and as an embodiment and living sanctuary of the Spirit of Limitless Light and Life i.e. Ifa.
When we approach an expert awo, we are not interested in his personal human opinions neither have we come to consult him per se. We have come to consult Olodumare (Ifa and Orunmila) through the mediatorship qualifications, divine grace and training of the bonafide awo.
Ancient awo who trained, learned and walked with Ifa and followed the teachings, example and instructions of Orunmila were seers, sages, saviours, visionaries, divine priests and prophets not mere ‘diviners’. There have been in recent past times and there are at present devotee’s of Ifa whose lives are so in keeping with the principles and divine pattern established by Ifa and Orunmila that without even casting Opele, Odu or utilizing Ikin they can speak with the clarity, specificity, depth, uncovering-revealing power, insightfulness and truthfulness of Ifa. These men were and are Ifa divine seers vested with power. In ancient times these divine, rare and spiritually cultured men were proudly known as oso. These divine men were held in great regard and esteem. This word ‘oso’ is also used today to refer to wizards or sorcerers but this valid word ‘oso’ is not just limited to these contemporary meanings of wizards or sorcerers. Divine men filled with the power and wisdom of Ifa were also called Oso (divine seers, sages- men of divine knowledge, power, charisma and influence). Over time many charlatans, miscreants, practioners of ignorant superstition, pseudo spirituality and pretenders corrupted the dignity, prestige and true meaning of the sacred word oso and the sacred order of oso which also referred to initiated men (awo) who were so in tune with and in harmony with Ifa and the manner of character and life of Orunmila that they could perceive, experience and relate things with a remarkable resemblance to the ways of the Irunmole. These men displayed gracefulness, power, respect inspiring character, charisma and deep wisdom in all they did. They were empowered to inspire and transform hearts and minds. But without going to far from the main topic perhaps at a later time we can consider that most interesting and important topic of divine oso (empowered divine seers) on another occasion.
To resume, Ifa is a divine, holy and omniscient guiding power which expresses and reveals itself, it’s wisdom, guidance, power and inspiration through the instrumentality of Awo, Sacred Methodology, Opele, Memorized Ifa Scripture, Ikin, Opon and Ibo. And especially through Irunmole Orunmila the divine prophet, seer and revelator who is one with the Ifa spirit of limitless light and life who guides all awo whether they are babalawo or not. Orunmila is able to appear and reveal himself and his mysteries to his devoted followers in many ways, when he deems it prudent and necessary to do so. I pray this message meets you well and encourages you to understand  and appreciate Ifa on a more sublime and elevated level which Ifa and Orunmila deserve.
Ela ‘boru.
Ela ‘boye.
Ela ‘bosise

Atamu Ifa

Atamu Ifa is the divination or spiritual exercise for the entire group, entire city or entire country. It is provided during the yearly celebration or during the five or sixteen days divination by assembly of babalawo.

During atamu ifa personal consultation are avoided because of the long incantation and the chanting of ifa verses or ese ifa by babalawo. It is a long expression of ifa to induce and invoke the spirit of the land or the divinity of the land to work  in favor of the people, dwelling in the land or group of people working toward the same objectives. It entails rethoric and divine pinnacle of Enitolodun to speak through babalawo concernimg the matter relating to the country and the land. Such ese ifa or ifa verses are usually long and extended to captivate the mystical force of the nature in relation to the land.