God bless you this morning and God bless you forever. There is nothing complex in life. If you can live simple and lead a disciplined life that depict the true disciple of God. I will like to tell you that readers are leaders, try to read at least a  page every day to start the act of reading, avoid excessive watching of television and other electronic devices because they are like refuse that cluster your mental state, destroy your health and make you emotionally weak and imbalance. The act of watching or viewing programs on television or cinema alone can singlehandedly destroy all your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical realm. To be stagnant is to be consumed, our body is programmed to move and in the course of moving, we are cleansing ourselves like the running river or water that is filled with oxygen and self cleaning capacity when in movement or running forward. Stationary or stagnant water or river is infested with diseases and usually characterized by horrible smell. Be careful, learn to take good care of your health so that your health will take good care of your soul or being as you grow old. AGBA KI SORO BI EWE, MEANING OLD SHOULD THINK WISELY AND MAKE GOOD DECISION AND STEPS.
The act of movement starts from ordinary walking. Do not tell me you do not have money to go to the gym or to other aerobic classes, that is nonsense it shows how lazy you are. Get up today and walk at least 5000 steps or an average of 5km, if you believe that it is too much, walk for 30 minutes which is an average of 2.5km, make it a daily routine, it is a natural way by which body heals itself and on the spiritual level, it is a way of sending message to the mother nature that is ‘ile ogere’, that I want to become your good friend for long. What are friends for? – Companionship and reliability with confidence. Walking means an exchange of vows that you will not betray me and I will not betray you. Hence you are bound to live long because you have become the friend of ile. According to Yoruba or omo odua, “ile ogere afokoyeri alapo gbedu, ma ma gbe mi mi bi kalo kalo tomotomo bayi o”, that is “the mother earth with mysterious hole, infinite hole and big bag, do not consume me and my children now”.
Please ensure you start your walking today and may God bless you. Pray when you are walking. It is vital and important, as such you are blending many important things together, which is health, mental improvement and spiritual capacity. God bless you.
Deus te abençoe esta manhã e que Deus te abençoe para sempre. Não há nada complexo na vida. Se você pode viver uma vida simples e disciplinada que represente o verdadeiro discípulo de Deus.
Eu gostaria de lhe dizer que os leitores são líderes, tente ler pelo menos uma página todos os dias para iniciar o ato de ler, evitar a televisão e outros dispositivos eletrônicos porque eles são como recusar que agrupam seu estado mental, destroem sua saúde e fazem você emocionalmente fraco e desequilibrado. O ato de assistir ou ver programas na televisão ou no cinema sozinho pode, sozinho, destruir todo o seu reino espiritual, emocional e físico mental. Parar é ser consumido, nosso corpo está programado para se mover e, no curso do movimento, nos purificamos como o rio correndo ou a água que é preenchida com oxigênio e capacidade de auto-limpeza quando em movimento ou correndo para a frente. Estacionar ou ficar parado água ou rio estão infestados de doenças e geralmente sujos de cheiro horrível, cuidado, aprender a cuidar bem de sua saúde para que sua saúde cuide bem de sua alma ou seja à medida que envelhecer. AGBA KI SORO BI OVELHA, SIGNIFICADO ANTIGO DEVE PENSAR COM SABEDORIA E FAZER BOAS DECISÕES E PASSOS.
O ato de movimento começa a partir da caminhada comum. Não me diga que você não tem dinheiro para ir à ginástica ou a outras aulas de aeróbica, isso é bobagem, mostra como você é preguiçoso. Chegue ao dia e ande pelo menos 5000 passos ou média de 5km, se você acredita que é demais, caminhe por 30 minutos o que é uma média de 2,5km, faça uma parada diária, é maneira natural pela qual o corpo se cura e no nível espiritual, é uma maneira de enviar mensagens para a mãe natureza que é ogere, que eu quero me tornar seus bons amigos por muito tempo. Que amigos são para? Companheirismo e confiabilidade com confiança. Meios de caminhada e troca de votos que você não vai me trair e eu não vou te trair. Daí você é obrigado a viver por muito tempo porque você se tornou o amigo de ile de acordo com yoruba ou omo odua é chamado ile ogere afokoyeri alapo gbedu, mamãe gbe mi mi b kalo kalo Tomotomo bayi o, que é a mãe terra com enxada misteriosa, infinita buraco e saco grande, não me consuma e meus filhos agora.
Por favor, assegure-se de começar sua caminhada hoje e que Deus o abençoe. Ore quando estiver andando. É vital e importante. Por isso vocês estão misturando muitas coisas importantes juntas, que é a melhoria mental e a capacidade espiritual.
 Está bem


Orin (song) 

Ogun ma ma je nbimo ole

Ogun ma ma je n bimo ole

Kii jeniyan o ni laari

Ogun ma ma je nbimo ole



translation of the song

Ogun, do not let me have a thief as child

Ogun, I beg you don’t let me have thief as child

it does not allow one to be significant in life

Ogun do not let me have a thief as child


This means Ogun do not support and entertain evil steps or evil endeavour. Hence people of  OGUN  must be upright, plain, honest, diligent, supportive and encourage people to be the best of themselves.

Ogun is one of the greatest divinity  whose power is incomparable  with none of the other divinities that graced the surface of the earth. Based on his fantastic strength, power, energy and  force, he was chosen by OLODUMARE to come to the Earth plain by leading other divinities with his superior power wielded with divine cutlass which till today has not been properly explained, as there is great riddle and mystery beneath the physical explanation of Ogun ALADA MEJI, O FI KAN SANKO, O FIKAN  YENA, THAT IS, OGUN THE OWNER OF TWO CUTLASS, ONE IS USED TO CLEAR THE PATH AND ONE TO CLEAR THE BUSH.

Ogun was the one who cleared the way for  other divinities  on leaving ORUN (the city of  Heaven) journeying to AYE AKAMARA (the Earth plain). The fundamental  Ogun that came from Heaven with the other divinities is known as  ”OGUN EREJA ”, because of his itinerant or gypsy or nomadic warfare. He was better known as  OGUN – OGUN  THAT IS THE WARLORD  OGUN, WHICH MEANS OGUN IS A WAR LORD.











Virtually, all families of the world must choose Ogun as their guiding divinity,  because of one fact, life is a state of war. War and battle for survival starts from the belly or womb of the mother known as IGBALE OR GBALE (the house or womb of secret), indeed the weak soul is consumed from the womb, and the stronger and the fortunate or virile survive the battle OF THE WOMB.  The unfortunate ones are consumed right away from the womb without pity, hence on getting to the physical state, the battle for survival continue,  ranging from the emotional disequilibrium, to famine, poverty, diseases, losses, court case, death, weakness, idleness, lack, indiscipline and other negative vibrations known in IFA parlance as ‘AJOGUN ORUN’ (the punitive knights of heavenly doom) which by nature are called the spiritual warfare that are bound to make or mar your being  or consume you if proper steps are not put in place. Life is compared to a typical jungle where bigger or smaller animals are consumed on daily basis based on their level of wisdom or fighting spirit. Do you not know that antelope or Gnus are constantly prone to an attack from ferocious and great felines of the jungle. Nothing differentiates the animal jungle from the jungle of man where the weak and the ignorants are consumed daily either by the cool hand of death, diseases and other life forces beyond human control. The spirit of Ogun serves as a supporting aid to deter evil forces of life from consuming our destiny or destroying the divine plan of Olodumare for our life.


There’s a great song that reinforce the above analysis 

Ogun na ni o wole deni

ogun naa ni o wole deni

eni ra ni lajo , ni wole deni

ogun na ni o wole deni



Ogun will take care of me

Ogun will take control of the situation

Whoever send one an errand will take care of our household

Ogun will take care of our lives


The above song is more than  an ordinary song, it is more mystical and divine than ordinary in its interpretation. No life exist or survive without a proper support from ethereal, life is a spirit and spirit is life, without spirit, life is useless and meaningless, hence, support your life with sound spiritual steps and be strong to know. That life is a jungle and the weak and the idle in the jungle would be consumed without pity just like there is no ignorance in law, likewise no pity and ignorance in spiritual law of life. The first step to win in the jungle of life is to avoid ignorance, complaining , condemning, criticising and being idle. So many powers that are negative are watching you to prey on your steps and life, be prepared  and armed yourself with sound spiritual wisdom,  support yourself  with sound mental control and physical  discipline to become part of divine  creature in creation that must  strive from generation to generation. Remember that heaven helps those who help themselves, for the host of heaven  to help you, you need the support of Ogun as part of the divine plan to see you through the jungle of life.

God bless you,

Olayinka Babatunde Ogunsina Adewuyi


 Iba Ire Olodumare!
Oba ateni legelege fori sapeji omi, meaning reverence to you my mighty Olodumare, the king that spread a thin mat using his head as rain fountain.
Who is Olodumare in the Yoruba conception or theology? Olodumare is the Creator of all divinities, deities, souls, spirits and other seen and unseen vibrations and energies in the Cosmos. These primeval deities were said to have descended through a mystical medium to the physical world thereby leaving Olodumare and the host of other divinities like Ajagunmale – Oluwo Ode Orun (that is ajagunmole, the chief priest of heaven), Aroyeweye (the wisest and the knowledgeable), and Adi Omo Elebu (the strong and the brave), with Ela opitan Ela Omo Osin (that is Ela the offspring of God) with other great divinities serving God in his highest glory and also helping humanity in their low state.
Olodumare is called Olofin Orun or Oluwa or Olorun, that is the great being of heaven. Olofin Orun was the first being to occupy the firmament. No one ever has the notion of his image, but we see and feel his greatness on daily basis. Just as Ogher great energies are unseen but serve all cretures in creation like air, Olodoumare is supported and the beginning of all things that ever existed and would exist in creation, Ifa speaks of the immense glory of Olodumare out of which odu the energy of his being  is extracted to serve and bless all things in creation. He is known as
“Oba Ti Ki Ku,
Oba Ti Kii Run,
Oba Ti Ki Toogbe,
Oba Ti Ki Sun,
Oba Olowo Gbogboro Ti Yo Omo Tire Lofin Aye”,
The king that does not die,
would not die,
nor fall sick or ill forever,
the almighty that does not sleep nor slumber,
the being with immense power,
with great hand that cross out evil from the path of his creatures.
Hence a great reference to him on daily basis to connect him and ensure our survival in the jungle of life. Remember all rivers, stream and water must connect the great ocean so as to guarantee their survial and prevent their dryness likewise all cratures must daily connect  Olodumare through prayer and ogher spiritual steps to guarantee their survival.
May God bless you and bless your being and your loved ones today and forever.

Love for Olodumare

Ogbo ato.

What is the supreme, satisfying and unfailing practice which Ifá is awakening us to, and leading us to? The practice of unbounded devotion to Olodumare. After many days, weeks, months and years of Ifá study and reflection, what can we conclude that Ifá is? In the final analysis what is Ifá? In one word what is Ifá? Ifá is love. Ifá is truth, actual reality, caring and concern. Whose love? Whose caring? Whose concern? Ifá is the love, care, provision and concern of our true friend, mentor and heart companion Olodumare. Have you ever stopped to consider the fact that Olodumare pines, yearns and longs for you? Has it ever occurred to you that all that Olodumare does, he does so that you might understand and know that he loves, values, respects and cherishes you? Olodumare yearns, longs, pines and waits for your intelligent spontaneous response of gratitude, love and devotion.  When we outgrow our spiritual immaturity and self-preoccupation this reality becomes powerfully and personally revealed to our hearts and understanding. For our soul, inner capacity and need to love to find fulfillment, it has to have a living responsive person an an object to whom it can direct its love, care and concern who is able to reciprocate our feelings, affections and devotions in full. Who else but Olodumare can satisfy our longing for communion and completeness. We find fulfillment and realization in loving the Supreme One and receiving the divine love. The longing, love and affection in our hearts cannot satisfy itself. It needs to reach Olodumare and its needs to experience Olodumare so that we might know peace, fulfillment and satisfaction. Undoubtedly you have heard the name Olodumare and perhaps you have learned some things about Olodumare. But do you know Him? Do you know the glorious personality and attractive character behind the name? What do you really and personally know about Olodumare? How can you know Him? How can you know His reality and experience His love? Do you not know that in all your seeking for happiness, meaning, fulfillment and satisfaction through so many means you are in fact searching for Olodumare? You are seeking to know, understand and return to the Source of your being. Ifá says that “Olodumare is the king worth depending upon.” Olodumare is unlike human kings who want and demand to revered, acknowledged and served. Olodumare is the King who serves us wholeheartedly, lovingly and unselfishly. Is it possible for you to depend upon whom do not yet know? Theories and philosophical beliefs about Olodumare cannot and will not ever satisfy your heart, mind and life. Living contact with Olodumare alone can satisfy the depths and longings of your spirit. What to do? Where to begin? How do we begin to develop a deep love for Olodumare? First of all Olodumare has to be more real to you than your mother, father, brother, sister, friends and spouse! Only by practicing devotion to Olodumare in whatever present inner and outer condition we happen to be in, can the light of divine love, understanding and truth be kindled within us. This is why we fellowship together in the Ijo (the community of Ifá-Olodumare worshippers). In the association of other devotees is where we obtain and catch devotion, faith, love and fervor. Love for Olodumare cannot really be taught but it can be caught in the association of genuine devotees. What are the main features of devotion? Devotion does not look at your past. Devotion does not care if you were a drunkard, thief, liar or cheat. Devotion is not impressed with your affluence, connections, possessions, knowledge and power. Devotion is impressed by humility, simplicity, guilelessness and unpretentiousness. Where you were and how you presently are is not an obstacle at all to devotion to Olodumare. Olodumare will accept you as you are. There is no need for you to pretend to be other than who you are and where you are at the present moment. Just like a mother picks up and accepts her soiled child to then proceed to clean it up, so does Olodumare take us a we presently are without any objections. So from our side there is no reason to fear or worry that Olodumare will not take us and accept us as we are. There is no reason for us to pull away or withdraw from approaching Olodumare. We are dear to Olodumare and nothing but His love, kindness, acceptance and guidance can clean us up and make us experience a qualitative change and transformation at the root level of our being. The spirit of devotion does not care about and does not look into your past. The spirit of devotion cares about you now in the present and will take you as you are with the guarantee that she will cleanse, strengthen, transform and empower your life. On account of our weaknesses, imperfections, defects and past wrongful acts we have no reason to despair of the committed love and firm dedication of Olodumare towards us. The reason why our imperfections, defects and flaws are so glaring to begin with is because we are lacking the awareness, fullness and experience of divine love, real love. Devotion and sincerity towards Olodumare will transform an unwholesome, unworthy and embarrassing life into a revered, satisfying and honored life. Try it out and see for your self. Olodumare is not peering into your past. Neither is he keeping a list of past wrongs. He is not peering into your past and he has no lists. He has only love, concern and sympathy for you together with the power to do something about your troubles, sorrows and loneliness. Let us draw near to Olodumare without fear and with full confidence. Let us come to Olodumare with transparency and honesty. Let us come to Olodumare without attempting to hide anything from Him and without trying to justify past wrongs. Just as you are and where you are, cultivate devotion and sincerity towards Olodumare. Put pride and ego to the side altogether. Don’t project yourself to Olodumare other than what you are and where you are. Open your heart and mind to Olodumare. Share your thoughts, problems, gratitude and feelings with Him. With feeling and sincerity apply your heart and soul to speaking with Olodumare. This is sincere and genuine unbounded devotion. By so doing you will know and experience the relief, support and salvation of Olodumare. After arriving at Olodumare’s palace and having been accepted by Him it does not behoove us to go around knocking on other doors. Who can do more for you than Olodumare? Who can understand you more and sympathize completely with you more than Olodumare? Cultivate a living gratitude, love and respect for Olodumare, and his power, grace and presence will uphold you and transform your life. The reason we have lost our way and are easily overpowered by our passions and weaknesses, and have lost our genuine spiritual convictions is because we are too far removed from Olodumare. We are trying to live our lives with unverified and inexperienced second-hand information about Olodumare instead of knowing Olodumare directly for ourselves. Think about these things. When was the last time you raised up your hands and head to praise and glorify Olodumare and to communicate gratitude and dependence upon Him. When was the last time your heart was moved and stirred to joyful tears at the thought of the kindness, loyalty and friendliness of Olodumare? How many of our mistakes and shortcomings has Olodumare overlooked and forgotten about? This is what Ifá is inviting us to understand and cultivate. What will be your response?
The only way to reach, experience and know Olodumare is to ask for his asé (grace, presence and power). This asé is always available to us but because we live our lives distracted and so preoccupied with ourselves, petty matters and involved without being invited in the affairs of others that we lose sight of the fact of the ever present availability of the asé of Olodumare. This asé does not come to us from people but comes to us directly from Olodumare whenever we need it. Olodumare is only waiting for our sincere heartfelt devotion so that He can manifest Himself to us.
Olodumare has given us wonderful abilities, talents and faculties that we can apply and use advantageously for our benefit and the benefit of others. There are many useful, progressive and wholesome things we can use our talents, intelligence and abilities for, all on our own. But there is one thing that we cannot with our talents, intelligence, faculties and abilities do alone. We cannot reach Olodumare. We cannot reach Olodumare by unaided efforts. Only by and with the asé of Olodumare can we know Him and our true eternal divine identity. Our human intelligence, strength, will and abilities cannot themselves help us to reach and know Olodumare independently of the gift of asé (grace, power and presence) that is available to us from Olodumare when we humbly approach Him and request Him to supply us with His asé. Let us request from Olodumare this gift of asé together with the spirit of devotion. By so doing we will find and know the meaning and purpose of our lives. By so doing we will find fullness of satisfaction, delight, peace, joy and contentment.

Ogbo ato asure iworiwofun.


He who has undertaken the noble responsibilities of overcoming Himself does not resign himself to anything, that is evil, he subjects  himself only to that which is good, beneficial and serving both God and man in creation. To resign into wickedness, evil and bad utterance is the lowest weakness, obedience  to good is the highest power. To resign oneself to criticism, condemnation, complain, anger, argument and evil task,  or resign to ignorance, suffering, and other negative intention is a reverse of sound spiritual and divine trait of a man, who want to change the cause of destiny and extend the goodness of God in the land of living  must always clamour for the goodness of other and ensure total inner peace in the face of challenge. Such submission to evil shows itself in a selfish and sorrowful life. We ask you to pray, fast and undergo vigil for those who want our support, some of us grumble and  complain of no time and no capacity to Fast. Do  you ever know the purpose of your creation?  The essence of your existence?  It means to serve,  both man and God so as to revert our ancestral curse and bless our future generation, in a such manner never seen before.  Nothing is by chance in life, everything is conform to rigid laws of divine and highest spiritual terrain   Your coming into contact with any member of your family or friends or those we implored you to pray for, are not chance, but a products of  destiny. We are products of destiny and divine phenomenon.

Man is not framed and structured by resignation into sorrow, doing easy things and subject his own body to corruption  and sorrow, but for final victory and joy. All the spiritual laws of the Universe  are with the good man, for good preserves and shield. There are no laws of evil, its nature  is destruction  and desolation. The conscious modification and change of the character away from evil and toward good, forms, at present no part in the common course of  divine consciousness . The conscious formation of good character which is called IWA must be the core of our religion education and spiritual growth. Indeed, a man can be useful, and helpful when  he is able to control himself, has unblemished integrity  and exalted purity. So as to be able to give sound instruction in the making of good  character  which will then be the main feature of existence, and of divine and spiritual education he has in creation.

Hence, established yourself in the knowledge of good , and sound moral behaviour and swim in the ocean of peace with your family, friend, well wishers and enemies alike. The unenlightened may see your character as weakness, remember that you come to the world without power,and your going back will be of no significant, if you cannot do good to all you have met in creation, never wish any evil so as to avoid evil repercussion for ourselves and our generation. No man satisfying the divine laws through evil, but man is filled with joy when his mouth, mind and work extol, and exalt others in creation and pray for peaceful existence of others. Hence, can you pray now  for ourselves and for others this morning, If you have not done that, do it now.
May God and His infinite divinities bless you.

The Spiritual Dominion

The greatest things which man is destined to rule with unswerving  move are his  own mind, mouth  and life. These  things are just extension of the universal order of  discipline. They are connected and related to the entire human race or humanity in general.

No victory or success can be achieved without taking these three things into absolute consideration. Whatever you do not have cannot be given to others. I have seen a man who promises  better life and  victory  when he in his inner  sanctuary and secluded place  lack true  discipline and he’s mentally corrupt. I have severally taught  and advised  people  that man who cannot  discipline his own mouth would forever remain slave to passion and immorality. Fasting and prayer are two greatest means to reach out to the universe and connect our lives to the source of all  things in creation. Some have treated the issue of fasting and prayer with  great levity and given no attention to these two of the most potent power in creation  and have equated fasting to certain religion and sect in the modern era. Fasting is a tradition which emanated from the source of life which must be undertaken and performed by all men in creation . It is the source of power and the beginning of all things in creation. Man  gain soul in fasting and died in fasting and sleep till eternity in fasting. Both temporary sleep and permanent sleep  are  rooted  in fasting. Your daily sleep give a vivid example of how universe want you to fast . I have a couple of people who are against fasting because of one thing – total indiscipline deeply rooted in lack of self control and mental disequilibrium,

The mastery of the craft (fasting, prayer and vigil)  embraces the mastery of the knowledge of life. It lifts man into the supremacy of wisdom, discipline, bestowing upon him the gift of miracle, wonders and divine attributes out of which all divinities derived their most potent power.  Fasting, prayer ,vigil and sound mental state give man power to distinguish between good and evil,  between discipline and indiscipline, also to comprehend that which is above both good and evil and to know that nature responds positively to disciplined life with miracle and wonders .
At present, men are more or less under the sway of rebellious deeds, acts , thoughts and utterances, they fail to conquer their mouth, mind and action, they fall  for indiscriminate and compulsive acts of perpetual eating  and  drinking of alcohol  or sugary drinks that have actually corrupted their body, mind and soul. They cannot hold themselves accountable  to connect the true divine state through  refraining  from food for certain hours, and  thereby  poison  their mind with unnatural foods and drinks. Immorality and indolence arising from gluttony and drunkenness .  To conquer these habits means supreme conquest of life.  The fools  believe  that everything can be mastered or taught or written without self discipline and self conquest, they defile the body with foods and live with evil thoughts. They seek happiness through immoral doctrines and sweet preachings, condemning  the rationality of life by seeing the world of spirit through their myopic character, criticising and arrogantly   modifying external things  and eternal wisdom to suit their own needs, rules and regulations, thinking the  universe must bend to their own little understanding and feeble wisdom, pretending  to give advise on what is spiritual and divine without an accurate knowledge  of  divine orderliness.
Your attitude  depict your spiritual and divine knowledge . hoever fails to learn the basic spiritual and divine character will not only  destroy his temporary life but his generational bearing and will suffer  eternal consequences.. The wise knows that there is no real mastery or discipline until self is subdued and conquered. Until fasting and prayer are undertaken on the  perpetual basis, your reality and human cannot be redeemed. Do you learn about the story of Ela the greatest and the precious child of Olodumare (GOD), whose teachings go beyond mere sacrifices and rituals. He thought the world the basic principles of divine state through shared love, prayer and fasting. He was eventually victimised and forced to ascend because his teachings contradicted  the views of divinities before him. He wanted a  change in the tradition of his predecessors, but the oppressors and the impostors of his days  did not allow his teachings to see the light of the day, due to their gluttony, immoral behaviour, alcoholism and self praised attitude that did not serve God and man in creation . Learn the secrets of fasting and prayer,  start to fast even  for  just six hours a day to see and witness abundant energy in creation unseen to your physical eyes, and you will perceive  the difference in your life and the lives of your generation. It shall be well with you as long as there is an appearance of the sun.


Ela ‘boru, Ela ‘boye, Ela ‘bosise.

In our own lives we discover that it is much more difficult to discern between what ‘feels right’ from what is actually right, than from making the relatively easy distinction between what is clearly right or wrong. All things good are pleasurable but not all things pleasurable or gratifying to our senses are good for us.  We can miserably fail in life and put ourselves through much needless and avoidable suffering, stress and anxiety if we fail to make the distinction between what ‘feels’ right or good from what  is actually right, beneficial and good. This is where honest self-reflection, discernment, humility, personal discipline and Ifa divine guidance-instruction comes in. What distinguishes a child from a mature adult is that a child is entirely driven by its childish desires, feelings  and wants, whereas a mature adult is led by his developed reason, life experiences, understanding, cultivated wholesome values, personal discipline and discernment. Today we live in an impulsive culture that is pleasure driven and not truth driven. This impulsive and pleasure seeking attitude prevails in the secular and the so-called spiritual life of many. Some live in gross selfishness and others in ‘refined’ and socially ‘acceptable’ selfishness but it is selfishness, conceit and foolishness all the same. An alarming great many ‘adults’ today lack moral-emotional and intellectual maturity. They lack foundation, stability, discipline and orderliness. They are like ships without a rudder, cast upon the sea of life and being mercilessly pushed, pulled and controlled by the waves, storms and currents of impulsive desires, base and low (meaningless) selfish and directionless pleasures.  A great many adults today are no more than overgrown children: They cannot accept a word of correction, truth and discipline from anyone without feeling offended or provocated in some way,  because they don’t like to think with clarity, they just want to live their lives by how their own undeveloped, undisciplined, foundationless, and immature feelings leads them. In otherwords, they want to live by their feelings and emotions. They have put the cart before the horse! They refuse to accept the facts of their personal, actual and present condition. They confuse true happiness with fleeting sensual pleasure. They want to feel good and right but without living a truly good or upright life! They want to remain intellectually, morally and spiritually blind and deaf. Today the rule of life in a great many quarters is: If it feels right or good then just do it! This is the thinking of the animal world and not the one of highly endowed human beings. Even animals have better sense than that! So you see how childish and immature today’s society has become. From this pleasure seeking mindset is where corruption, vices, unclean practices, lawlessness and disrespect are born from. Instead of taking pleasure and delight in that which is truly meaningful, noble and useful, a great many minds and lives are  poisoned with a hedonistic attitude of mere pleasure seeking without any true reference to what is true, right and proper. Such people live disconnected, dysfunctional, self-inflated and selfish lives. How can they avoid and escape suffering, dissatisfaction and a sense of meaninglessness living in this way?! Blinded and shackled by their base desires and contaminated understanding they are unawares creating more suffering, disillusionment, depression  and dissatisfaction for themselves and others; like the blind leading the blind and together falling into a rocky, dark and deep pit of pain, anguish, meaninglessness and repeated suffering. This is what happens when we are led by our feeling and emotions instead of our Ifa informed understanding, intelligence, conscience and the guidance of worthy, proven and reputable elders. The former life is an animalistic life of needless strife, continual dissatisfaction and struggle whereas the latter life is an illuminated, orderly, satisfying and serene life, rooted in divine (lofty) understanding and personal integrity. If we have taken the time and care to study, consider and reflect upon many stories of Ifa and holy tradition, we will quickly discern that a great many if not most of the failures, mishaps, sufferings and unsavory happenings in the lives of the Orisa, Awo, Kings, Queens and the general populace etc., were due to this fundamental mistake of pursuing fleeting, petty, low and base pleasures, which when you really think about it and the consequences they brought to the mind, body and life of the wayward ones were not pleasurable at all. Momentary base pleasure with long lasting painful repercussions is what they found, created for themselves and experienced.  This is how the inner ajogun (enemy defilements) and elenini (inner antagonists) trick us. While intoxicated and spiritually incapacitated by blind and unregulated passions, pleasureable expectations, feelings and emotions, we do not see the terribleness and shamefulness of our present actions and the more terrrible and shameful consequences that they will undoubtedly bring. We are lulled to sleep in the dingy bed of false, unbecoming, base and shameful desires, feelings, actions and emotions. This is why we need to ponder and consider the way we have been living our lives carefully. Many people see the cause of their problems as existing outside of themselves but in most cases they themselves are the cause, root and source of their own life problems. When they fail to accept this reality they go in search of imaginary or supernatural excuses or causes to explain their current state, condition and predicament. Ifa teaches us how to live, think and behave so as to avoid and escape the sorrow, suffering, illness, pain, dissatisfaction and shame. Ifa is mostly about prevention. One pound of prevention is better than one hundred pounds of cure. Responsibility, discipline and genuine desire
for spiritual-intellectual and moral growth is the heart and aim of Ifa. You might not want to hear this but sometimes the bitter tasting medicine is the most effective cure! Ifa is not here to make you financially rich! If you want to be financially rich then you have to study and prepare yourself with an honorable career which will compensate you for your many years of  dedication, work and effort. That is how you make money. Ifa and Orisa are not dispensing money to anyone. That is not what what they are here for. Ifa is not for you to accumulate personal power and influence over others. Ifa and Orisa share their ase with you so that in a spirit of compassion, generosity  and kindness you can serve and benefit others and so that you can improve and correct yourself. Why should you feel prideful or great for the work that Ifa or the Orisa are doing to help and benefit someone. It is not your personal ability, power or wisdom which is benefitting others but the ability, power and wisdom of Ifa and Orisa. So why take credit for what you yourself out of your own abilities and resources are not accomplishing?! Ifa is not about last minute miracle solutions to our life’s challenges and problems. Ifa is about giving us the spiritual-moral and intellectual tools to live orderly, meaningful, productive and responsible lives. The virtue, blessings and ase of Ifa goes in our lives and gains great momentum only to the degree we live in harmony with and practice from moment-to-moment and day-to-day the principles and precepts of Ifa. The only master that Ifa will make you into is a master of yourself alone! Ifa is about the truth. The beautiful truths of life and about the sour truths about ourselves that we ignore and push into the back of our minds and don’t want to deal with. Ifa is about the heart and about cultivating and storing up the treasures of the heart. Ifa is about caring for people and thinking about someone others than ourselves! Ifa is about unpretentiously serving others out of kindness, love, generosity and empathy. Ifa is not here to make you a superhuman but to make you a true human being. Ifa will fill your life with peace, serenity, contentment and inner happiness if you live the truth that is Ifa. This takes real work, perseverance, patience and commitment. It is easy to buy materials for ebo. It is easy to make ebo but it takes work, determination and dedication to live the truth of Ifa. Ebo is secondary to Iwa. Without Iwa no ebo will be effective or complete. This is the understanding and true discernment we must have, embrace and accept if we want to live a true life of value, genuine happiness and clean pleasure. Ifa is for the maturing humble person who acknowledges that he or she needs guidance, help and support. Ifa is not magic! Ifa is not a genie in a bottle to satisfy your whims. Ifa outlook does not pull you away from reality or cause you to seek escape from reality. Ifa gives you a true, unvarnished but balanced and actual understanding of life as it is. Ifa immerses us into the reality of our lives in this present world and asks and enlists our support to take up the task of performing real work for the benefit, correction and upliftment of the world, of which we are an integral part and live in. Ifa is not about unrealistic fantasies, but about reality. Ifa is about actuality. I hope that these sober considerations serve to correct and adjust the minds, thinking and lives of many. It is time to get real and to make the best use of our lives and time. It is up to you. You can remain childish and immature if you want or you can take to the path of truth, courage, personal discipline and maturity. Don’t preach, don’t discourse, don’t talk and talk and talk. Live! Practice! Demonstrate with your life what you know! Stop wasting your time procrastinating and forever planning and simply get to the actual implementation of all your talking, planning and thinking. Take responsibility for your own life and own it.Stop blaming others, society and your upbringing for your present failures and bad choices. Stop making yourself a victim and stop looking for excuses to do nothing but live a lazy and fruitless life. Put an end to the pity party and do something about your life and with your life. Stop sitting around and just waiting for some miracle to happen that is going to make all things good in your life and fix everything in your life.  It’s never going to happen. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Without your personal continual commitment, participation and involvement nothing meaningful and satisfying will be accomplished by you.Ifa and Orisa are not going to take up your responsibilities for you. What do you think? Ifa and Orisa will be working while you lazily sit and live a passive, uninvolved, complacent and indulgent lifestyle?! Dear friends do not be alarmed by the tone of this message. Know that it is offered in good faith and true concern. Some things cannot be sugar coated. Please think and reflect upon the above message. Promote your true happiness and wellbeing. Appreciate the preciousness and fragility of life. With every breath we take time is running out. Use your time wisely and live meaningfully.
Ela ‘boru. Ela ‘ boye. Ela ‘bosise.


Aboru aboye.
From one of our members in Italy:
Did you know that word “ALCOHOL” originally means BODY EATING SPIRIT?
Although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol.
Alcohol consumption is widely accepted in our society, associated with partying, celebrations and events (such as weddings). Beer and liquor companies market their products with slick advertisements, portraying beautiful women, popularity and success.
While it is not only accepted, but legal to consume alcohol in the United States, there is a side to its consumption that is often overlooked, which is the spiritual consequences of drinking. Most Americans choose to turn a blind eye to any consequences that may result from the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and many of those that do acknowledge this reality see only the potential physical ramifications.
As a starting point, look at the roof of the world alcohol itself. “Alcohol” is derived from the Arabic “al-kuhl”, a word that means “body eating spirit”. This word is also the origin for the English word “ghoul.” Middle Eastern folklore tells of a ghoul as an evil demon, which was believed to consume human bodies, specifically children and stolen corpses.
Both “alcohol” and “alembic” are metaphors for aqua vitae, or “life water.” Also interesting to note, the world “spirit” refers to a distilled liquid, which can be traced back to Middle Eastern alchemy.
In a Facebook post, health writer Jason Christoff wrote:
“The word “alcohol” is said to come from the arabic term “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT” (also, is the origin of the term” ghoul”).
In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected on a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one spirit leaves, another can take the car for a ride.
Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity. Have you ever felt different, more sexual, more violent, less rational and less logical………after drinking alcohol? Are you aware we already live inside an ancient religious cult who are schooled concerning the dark powers of alcohol? It is this cult that popularizes alcohol, through the media and government it controls, to serve a very ancient and dark agenda.
The solutions to our crumbling society are only to be found within our non polluted collective humanity, not within modern science and the death cult it represents, Our dark and immoral human farmers masquerade as altruistic governments, who then serve us up to dark spiritual entities that feed off our energies when we consume alcohol and a host of other toxic substances they rain down from the top of the ruling pyramid. We’re slaves living on an elaborate control grid…..based on indoctrination, propaganda, chemical sedation, toxic medication and we’re even used as food energy for dark spirits who live outside the frequency of visible sight.

The Wisdom

Remember that unjust or injustice from either man or from unknown sources are way to free your mind and your life from the evil of the past and learn that  pure lesson and true greatness evolved from inconvenient activities and challenges we call evil .  Never resent or sad or groan when you are treated unjustly or when nature beat you with sorrow and  misfortune.
Do not abandoned yourself to resentment, misery and bitterness  when passing through the fire or jungle of life. Maintain discipline to gain abundantly. Always appreciate every evil attempt to learn  what is most important  in life and every good attempt with gratitude further the blessings of life in creation.
Only fools believe in passing  through life without experience both good and bad, likewise a student passing through school without examination and tests. The wise behaves  confidently and learn from the evil of life through prayer and  unresounding faith in the infinite.  Moving forward in humility to attain eternal glory according to   Yoruba  saying “adu ni ngbehin eworo “. That sweetness end the bitter leaves. Whatever you are passing through in your life right now, never bow your head in sorrow but rather lift your head in prayer and stick to the stout faith of victory. There is always and there must always be a light at the end of the turnel.
The evil situation or challenges bring out the reality of man. Gold must pass through fire before it glitters. The faithful and the ardent believers see every challenge as a stepping stone to higher stage and perfect victory.
Remember  never to  bother yourself with the thoughts of others or actions of  your neighbour or conspirators  toward you. Your  power is within and your energy and glory cannot be taken away from you. Virtue is your protection and never believe in retaliation. Learn something from ika meji. That says, “eni ri oku osika nile to fi ese ta, ika ti di meji “, translated, that  beating  the corpse of the evil man  means double evil, that is,  evil in two or twice evil manifestation. Always show pity and divine love to all things in creation. What is the essence of your religion and faith when you cannot overlook  the shortcomings  of your neighbour or forgive yourself of evil of the past. As a spiritual man, the time of birth and the time of death is just less than a second or infinitesimal of a second, use every second to think good, do good, act good and speak good. That second may be your last breath on Earth.
Never waste any time in indulgence or frivolous activities or fight your friends or neighbour in accepting your religion  or preaching dogma in the face of multi  racial or multi cultural world. Your character and attitude will speak whether you of  godly being or evil reincarnation. The act of doing good alone is the way to eternal bliss and harmony. Otura meji speaks of a man of peace is a man that know the path of wisdom and truth.  He is a man that dwell in the bossom of God .
His words are miracle and his action are divine  and his sleep and awake are guided by the luminous and eternal  light from ether. Every creature, religion, plant and animal show the beauty of creator as a amazing creative force  in the cosmos. Different kind of flowers give different opinion about diverse energies that resides in the cosmos. Hence appreciate all things and give thanks when you see things because the hand of God is diverse creating all things to satisfying is greatness. Do not confine yourself into a shell, because of little wisdom and religion inclination of your youth.  Learn to fly higher to see that all creatures are equal on the ground of the physical existence. In the spiritual level, there is no question of religion or faith but character and attitude. Which Yoruba call IWA and the OLU IWA OR OLUWA  is the word used for God in Yoruba. PERFECT YOUR CHARACTER AND ENSURE A GOOD ATTITUDE TOWARD ALL. IT SHALL BE WELL WITH YOU.
May God bless you today and forever.

On Ifayelele 1


Ifayelele is the quality of spirit and mind enjoyed by Olodumare and the Irunmole/Orisa. It is characterized by certainty, serenity, wholesomeness and freedom from all that defiles, impurifies, taints, perturbs, and oppresses the heart/mind. It is a state of abiding positivity, joy, peace and clarity. It is also the state of being in which the powers of ones soul begin to emerge and manifest in original diversity. Ifayelele in its highest and most developed state is the condition of spiritual-moral-emotional and intellectual maturity.

In Ifayelele one perceives things with clarity and ones sees things as they truly are and not as they seem. In Ifayelele one is able to know and discern the present actual qualities and intentions of people with exactitude. A person established in Ifayelele sees things from the root and is not subject to the deception of others. A person in Ifayelele is humble, proceeds with good faith, kindness and does not humiliate or embarrass others neither does he reveal the shortcomings or faults of others to anyone. A person developed and cultured in Ifayelele can perceive the hidden wholesome and unwholesome qualities and activities of people yet he treats them all with equanimity, good prospects, positivity and impartiality. In Ifayelele there is no desire or intention to be judgmental or competitive. One is at peace with oneself, the world and the Divine. In Ifayelele ones sees and brings out the best in everyone.

The man or woman established in Ifayelele disarms others easily of their fears, anxieties, worries and insecurities and in exchange gives them hope, strength, dignity and confidence.  In Ifayelele one inspires confidence in others immediately by the power of the authority, divine clarity and charisma that is at work within which others immediately and directly perceive, feel and are moved by. One sees with the divine eye of Ifa and one shares in the sentiment of the Irunmole. Another symptom of Ifayelele is the ability to easily adopt to changing conditions and to be able to maintain peace, calm and serenity in the midst of adversity and problems.

In terms of growth and development the knowledge of Ifayelele is all important because the purpose of our creation is to reach fullness of Ifayelele. The sign and symptom of someone who has entered the stream, current or realization of Ifayelele is that such a person is no longer subject to retrogression morally and spiritually. The person who awakens and matures in Ifayelele is free from doubts, knows the reality of Olodumare, Ifa and the Irunmole/Orisa and is disposed to pursuing only those things that are noble, worthwhile and approved by the wise.

The divine realm is not a matter of speculation, guesswork or mere hopeful belief to the man or woman established in Ifayelele. The spiritual realm is an absolute experiental and verified reality in Ifayelele and as such one becomes established in truth and becomes a partaker of an unshakeable faith, confidence and certainty that no amount of vain reasoning or foolhardy logic can dispel. What ones physical eyes and light are to a human being is what Ifayelele is to the spirit of the truly spiritually awakened and confident man or woman. Ifayelele is light, true sight, clarity and deep discernment. Ifayelele is accurate and complete understanding of ones existential reality. Self responsibility, integrity and thorough going honesty or transparency are the traits of a person who has become established in Ifayelele. The experience of Ifayelele is the fruit of deliberate spiritual effort joined and inseparable from the gift of the outpouring and reception of divine ase.

When one has a substantial and significant spiritual growth spurt that causes one to experience and know the reality of the influence, power and presence of ase, one can be said to have experienced ones entry into Ifayelele. Ifayelele is a purifying and ongoing, developing and progressive experience. Ifayelele experience is a catharsis of the mind, emotions, heart and spirit conferring healing, renewal and restoration. Ifayelele cleanses, purifies and releases one from negative, injurious and destructive energies, emotions, thoughts and feelings. It heals the heart and makes one strong and fearless. Ones initial experience of Ifayelele (divine awakening) is marked by a new sense of wonder, awe, respect and love for oneself, humanity and the divine. One sees and experiences things with a new and lofty perspective.

The beginning of Ifayelele is experienced in ones life when one becomes consciously aware of the divine realm and the spiritual life. When a person initially has this clear and unshakable conviction and affinity, he or she has had a momentary awakening or Ifayelele experience.

Ifayelele is a conversion, transformative  and/or awakening experiences which changes ones perspective, attitude and manner of life. It changes ones relationship to the world. The initial experience of Ifayelele is powerful, wonderful, simple and life changing and can be compared to being consciously born into the spiritual reality. It is a new birth, a new beginning, a new development and unfoldment of ones inner life. It is something that deeply and permanently changes and transforms your outlook and fills you with great joy, certainty, meaning and purpose.

Ifayelele makes one fearless and fills one with a sense of worth. Ifayelele is something that one discovers and enters into through a process of struggle, inquiry and seeking to finds one true center and faith in life. Ifayelele is something that happens to you but when it happens, by virtue of that experience one is enabled to see, understand and know why it happened and how it happened. No one can give you Ifayelele but when you obtain it you know that you have it. It the sacred treasure of inestimable value. Nothing can compare to it. When you have it you are no longer seeking for answers and are no longer seeking for this or that. In Ifayelele one has already found or been found by the great divine reality. Without effort Ifayelele cannot be had but at the same time Ifayelele is not the fruit of bare and unaided effort. Your effort, struggle, seeking, longing and tears….your many ups and downs… prepare you for Ifayelele. In Ifayelele your personal power and effort and Divine power and initiative becomes one. There are countless ways whereby a person enters the stream, current and/or realization of Ifayelele. There is no one size fit all method for Ifayelele attainment.

The secret to entering, awakening and being continually refreshed and renewed in Ifayelele is to honestly and fearlessly pursue ones spiritual affinities. Ifayelele is divine inspiration, courage, power, divinely given certainty and confirmation which is in union with the verifying certainty of your own conscience and intelligence. This is the key: Honestly pursue your spiritual affinities and obey your conscience.  If you are told more than this you will lose out on the power, meaning and value of your own Ifayelele experience when it happens to you. It is kind of like if someone in advance gives you the punch line of a joke then that information or knowledge will rob you of your joy, awakening of happiness, spontaneous response and discovery. In Ifayelele you have learned to connect the dots of your life and have unraveled the profound, beautiful and mes igual mystery of your life. Once you have personally tasted Ifayelele you will know in what way and manner to cultivate, exercise it and experience it more deeply and with ever increasing clarity (understanding). Some can be filled and overpowered by Ifayelele during their participation in sacred rites where the divine energies are powerfully present. Some experience and awaken to Ifayelele by being in association with someone who is established in Ifayelele. Others feel the fullness of Ifayelele through their devotion to prayer, meditation and fasting. Some are made strong in Ifayelele during their recitation of sacred Ifa verses or during their singing of sacred songs to Olodumare and the Irunmole/Orisa.

There is no doubt that Ifayelele is a stage reached as a result of life of searching, spiritual practice, interaction with the divine powers, self-cultivation, reflection and effort. There are many ways which are valid and true which serve at catalysts and agencies of the transmission of Ifayelele. Ifayelele is something that fills your awareness and causes you to want to improve, grow and develop without anyone having to push you or encourage you. It is a power, a divine dynamic potency at work within which one consciously experiences as well as a divine state of consciousness to be cultivated, nurtured and protected. To want to enter and know Ifayelele with your own life and experience it is to know that Ifayelele awakening is near. The surrounding light of Ifayelele causes you to want it and seek for it more than anything else. It becomes your consuming passion and you will not be content or satisfied until the light of Ifayelele not only surrounds, guides and purifies you from without but until it enters you and fills you.

To want Ifayelele you have to truly want truth more than any else. You have to be willing to cut out of your life all non-essentials. Ifayelele cannot be a part time affair or a passing interest. It requires a wholehearted and personal commitment, a commitment not imposed upon you from without from anyone or anybody. Ifayelele is the confidential heart, center, mystery and priceless treasure of Ifa. The authentic aspiration for Ifayelele attainment must be a spontaneous response on your part to the call of the divine ase upon your life. You have to be willing and able to sacrifice anything that stands in your way to its attainment. You need to have zeal, calm follow through, strong determination and fervor. You have to be continuously hungry and thirsty for it…without this you will never attain it.

What I am authorized to tell you for your benefit is that if you are serious about attaining Ifayelele then be courageous, brave and determined to be completely dedicated to the pursuit of your honest spiritual affinities. A man or woman of Ifayelele is not and cannot be consumed and weighed down with the thoughts and opinions of others. You have to be true to yourself, your conscience and your personal real inner experiences. There is no place for make believe and fantasy in this pursuit. Ifayelele is a real attainment for realistic people. Ifayelele comes from Ifa-Olodumare. Ifayelele is born of truth, honesty and integrity. It arises from the root of your spirit. The seed of Ifayelele is already within you. In fact it is you. It needs only to receive light, water and nourishment of the divine kind.