Laziness Is Incompatible With A Spiritual Life Power. Laziness And Isese Cannot Live Together.

Author of the text: Mark Casillas, one of our members from North America

Ela ‘boru.

Ela ‘boye.
Ela ‘bosise.
Lazy people waste away their time of endeavor and hence they do not succeed anywhere. They get disappointment everywhere. They blame everything and everyone for their failures except themselves. Lazy people refuse to take responsibility for their own lives and decisions, and because of this, they resign themsleves to live off the scraps of the fruits of other people’s efforts and labors. Olodumare has created man for doing honorable labor, for satisfying endeavor and beneficial deeds by which he can grow in the path of virtue, duty, honor, fulfillment and wisdom. Both applied effort (labor) and self-sacrifice are required for whatever work that is done by man. Personal involvement, dedication and total immersion  (engrossment) in what is good, useful and needful are forms of sacrifice (ebo). Any work is succesful due to them only. Self-mastery, acquisition of divine power and noble character cannot be had without labor, self-sacrifice, continual learning, effort and endeavor. Like the sun we should be bright and persevering in our divine trajectory without swaying from the path of good, beneficial and constructive deeds. We should never give up or despair, no matter what types of challenges, adversities and obstacles present themselves.
But today laziness has taken a severe hold of many among mankind. The thinking of many today is distorted. Some people erroneously and foolishly reason that if Olodumare wants them to have or achieve something they will have it, without any labor, self-sacrifice, dedication, hard work and commitment on their part! Can you believe that many subscribe to this kind of mind sickening, soul self-defeating and spirit dishonoring mentality?! This type of soul (life) killing fatalism is regrettable. It is a philosophy born from the heart of lazy people who want to do nothing, but yet want to have, enjoy and possess!! Instead of dedication to study, applied practice and reflection, they sheepishly (lazily and stupidly) convince themselves that all that there is to do is for them to sit home quietly and ask favors from the Orisa!! They forget that they themselves have given birth to their present situation or predicament, that they are the creators of their own destiny. To save themselves from any genuine labor, they have invented many excuses, and then they want to justify their useless and parasitic manner of living and get satisfaction by blaming their failures on destiny (fate)! Hence they get disappointments only. In truth, when a person with resoluteness strives diligently then adverse situations become favorable. Oledumare also helps the man who applies himself to helping himself, and then failure is changed (transformed) to success. Lazy people are quite willing to receive and benefit from the hard work, sacrifices and preparation of others but they themselves don’t want to move a finger. Let such people continue to suffer until their self created suffering, dissatisfaction and afflictions wake them up from the sleep of indifference in which they are in. There is a saying that says, ‘More lazy than the upper jaw!’ Lazy people want things around them to miraculously conform to their ceaseless wants and desires, but they themselves do not to include and involve themselves in the activities leading to progress, satisfaction, prosperity and self-respect. They do not want to be active participants in their own happiness, success and prosperity. It goes without saying that laziness is a great enemy of endeavor.
Laziness is incompatible with the spiritual life, laziness is incompatible with living a truly realized human life. It is a big obstacle in mankind’s progress and causes maximum harm to life’s values. A lazy person robs and shames himself, his family and community. Even Orisa feel embarrassed and ashamed to look upon a lazy person. A lazy person can expect to receive nothing from the Orisa. A lazy person goes on avoiding useful, necessary and constructive work, and this habit makes him gradually incapable, useless and helpless, which leads to self created disappointment, anger, wrong doing and frustration. Because of this self created disappointment, anger and frustration, the person’s ability of discernment (intelligence) is diminished (destroyed) and the person loses his daring and courage to struggle against difficulties. Whatever abilities this person had earlier, also diminishes and is finally destroyed. The person wishes to do something, but do to laziness is not able to do anything. The person does not develop the enthusiasm to translate his thoughts into action. Such lazy people do not know how to take advantage of favorable and ideal circumstances to win in life and thrive, on the contrary they reluctantly take action only when life’s circumstances and external pressures obligate them. A lazy person is a directionless person, lacking a sense of meaning, purpose and dignity. Being pushed and pulled by the waves and tides of life without an aim or purpose to fulfill, how can one be happy, fulfilled and satisfied? One has to have a measure of determination, fervor (intense desire), practical knowledge and control of ones life, with a clear and specific sense of what it is that ones is going to pursue and achieve and how one is going to achieve it. Success is achieved by those who cast away their laziness and become ready, full of energy and make good use of their time and do not waste their time in useless talking. Action rules the day!
Show me an Orisa who is lazy and I will show you an Orisa who does not exist any longer and who has lost all influence and power. Nobody remembers, honors or petitions lazy Orisa. There cannot be a lazy Orisa. Orisa are dynamic, active, purposeful, ever expanding, growing and alive!!! One becomes an Orisa through gradual, continual and progressive training, discipline and effort. Those who wish their own benefit, and desire to enjoy good repute, respect, honor and justified acknowledgement must pull out the evil of laziness by its roots and throw it away, and go on working diligently with confidence and minimal talking. Only with that type of commitment and demeanor is the desired reward, aim and objective possible. Only by sustained effort can prosperity, wisdom, virtue and godly power be achieved. No ebo, no offering, no rite, no ritual, no sacred chant, no elder, no sage, no seer, no priest, no man of wisdom and power and no orisa can help a person who is determined to lead a lazy, useless, meaningless and parasitic life.
The magic, ase, grace, power and wonder of life is received and realized through persistent effort, renewed dedication and courageous determination. Power, authority, influence and energy is reserved for the diligent, industrious, serviceable, honorable and courageous. Divine ase is for those who delight in and glory in intelligent effort, work and service. Why give power, energy, influence and authority to a lazy, lethargic, useless and parasitic person. To the one who diligently and honorable exercises the powers, abilities, virtues and intelligence he has, Olodumare increases his capacity and willingness to recieve more ability, virtue, intelligence, and power and fills him accordingly. This is the law of life, the law of nature, of the Orisa, of OLODUMARE. Olodumare is the Supreme God of Dynamic strength, virtue and power. Olodumare Himself has no needs, neither is He obligated by anything or anyone yet even He is always engaged in useful, loving, wise and continual activity and service to His creation. We ask so much from Olodumare, from the Orisa but what do we give and offer them in return for the many, great and wonderful things we ask and expect of them? Will they be content, satisfied and happy with an offering of fruits, vegetables or a sacrificial offering?! We want to carry our laziness over in our service to Olodumare and the Orisa and attempt to gain their favor through bribery and insincerity. Noble, loving, sincere, honest and truthful actions alone will satisfy the heart of Olodumare and the Orisa. Only divine, clean, noble and truthful effort, action and industry will satisfy our hearts. Nothing less and nothing more.
Ela moyin aboru.
Ela moyin aboye.
Ela moyin abosise.

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