The Power Of Self Confidence

Author of the text: Mark Casillas, one of our members from North America

Aboru Aboye.

Profound is the power of your self confidence. Nobody can crush your determination. When even big obstacles of the size of mountains cannot obstruct your path, what is the significance of ordinary obstacles? You are more powerful than even the sun! The biggest power in the world is the power of the soul, which arouses the dormant powers of man and brings out the extra-sensory capacity by developing it, and it gives the capacity for increasing material prosperity. All the activities for the life by obtaining the means for facilities and for their proper planning are carried out with the soul’s powers (spiritual powers). The capacity for work for personal benefit and for the benefit of others is obtained by our intellect. But with the strength of the spirit, such profoundness is possible, by which not only personal, but the entire world’s upliftment becomes possible. A person who lacks spiritual strength cannot experience happiness even though he has all the material means. But if a person becomes rich with spiritual strength, that person achieves divine (heavenly) bliss (happiness) in this life itself and by constantly establishing oneness with Olodumare (God) constantly moves towards the real objective of life. Normally with external vision we believe  this body to be, the be-all and end-all, but our life is created within the body by the the life-force (breath of life) of Elemi (the supreme life giver) from which arises  the mind, the intelligence and the subtle layers of the soul. The soul is part and parcel of Enitolodu (the supreme cause, source and center of all things). The soul, being qualitatively one with Edumare (the supreme creator), is always trying, striving and longing to move closer, towards the Supreme. The sublime power (ase) which Olodumare the Creator of the cosmos (universe) has for Himself, the same power is within us (because Olodumare in the form of Ori is within us). Self-confidence is nothing but having faith (trust and confidence) in this fact. Once a person is filled with glorious self-confidence and makes a decision or determination, then no power on earth can sway him.
Obatala was able to accept and discharge the extraordinary  divine mission to create, sustain and expand the creation, form mankind and set an example of humility, godliness, kingship, service, inner strength, dignity and integrity on the profound strength of self-confidence.  Ogun the guardian of truth, defender of justice and vanquisher of deliberate law breakers and evil-doers was able to fight injustice and overcome the enemies of the people and of progress through the power of self-confidence. Though greatly misunderstood, Ogun was persevering and relentless in the accomplishment of his divine mission and task and paid no attention to the comments and opinions of many people who could not understand and see things from the superior and comprehensive perspective of Ogun. This Ogun achieved through the marvellous power of self confidence. Through the power of self-confidence Orunmila was able, upon receiving the ase of divine wisdom, to officiate as a humble and exemplary sage, seer, prophet, revelator and counselor to divine personalities and human beings. Through the power of self-confidence Orisa Ogboni established law, order and balance in ancient times when chaos, disorder and lawlessness was prevailing upon the earth. Never forget that self confidence means knowing that the same power of the Creator lies within us. All the achievements of man in the present times are the result of his firm will and tremendous will-power. Man has climbed to the top of precarious and awe inspiring mountains,man flies through the air in machines, is making discoveries at the bottom of the seas and in all fields of knowledge both material and spiritual,–all this is a miracle only of the profound power of self-confidence, enthusiasm, patience and perseverence. When mankind knows itself truly then it truly knows Olodumare, who is the God of supreme confidence. Olodumare is the primordial and eternal energy of Faith, Confidence, Trust and Power. When we know Olodamare then we know ourselves and the glory of our station, dignity and privilege as children of the Source Supreme. When mankind forgets or ignores its spiritual source and foundation then does suffering and dissatisfaction ensue. Instead of attempting to find the ultimate truth of life, mankind often seeks comfort in transitory, meaningless recreations and unsatisfying vanities which diminishes the divine power of self-confidence. The real path for recognizing the tremendous power of our soul and by its energy increase happiness and prosperity of the self, as well as the world, is by total faith in Olodumare’s supremacy and authority. Once when this faith becomes firm within us can we always get the personal abiding experience that Eledaa (God our Creator) is truly and literally dwelling within our soul. His presence empowers us and automatically goes on inspiring us towards good actions, good words and good thoughts. Our power of creativity and intelligence becomes increasingly increased and enhanced by our living awareness of the divine presence which fills us with a self-confidence which cannot be defeated or overturned.  Olodumare’s authority is nothing but the strength of the soul or will power. With faith, trust  and confidence our spiritual life becomes succesful, meaningful and satisfying.
Aboru Aboye.

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