The Spiritual Dominion

The greatest things which man is destined to rule with unswerving  move are his  own mind, mouth  and life. These  things are just extension of the universal order of  discipline. They are connected and related to the entire human race or humanity in general.

No victory or success can be achieved without taking these three things into absolute consideration. Whatever you do not have cannot be given to others. I have seen a man who promises  better life and  victory  when he in his inner  sanctuary and secluded place  lack true  discipline and he’s mentally corrupt. I have severally taught  and advised  people  that man who cannot  discipline his own mouth would forever remain slave to passion and immorality. Fasting and prayer are two greatest means to reach out to the universe and connect our lives to the source of all  things in creation. Some have treated the issue of fasting and prayer with  great levity and given no attention to these two of the most potent power in creation  and have equated fasting to certain religion and sect in the modern era. Fasting is a tradition which emanated from the source of life which must be undertaken and performed by all men in creation . It is the source of power and the beginning of all things in creation. Man  gain soul in fasting and died in fasting and sleep till eternity in fasting. Both temporary sleep and permanent sleep  are  rooted  in fasting. Your daily sleep give a vivid example of how universe want you to fast . I have a couple of people who are against fasting because of one thing – total indiscipline deeply rooted in lack of self control and mental disequilibrium,

The mastery of the craft (fasting, prayer and vigil)  embraces the mastery of the knowledge of life. It lifts man into the supremacy of wisdom, discipline, bestowing upon him the gift of miracle, wonders and divine attributes out of which all divinities derived their most potent power.  Fasting, prayer ,vigil and sound mental state give man power to distinguish between good and evil,  between discipline and indiscipline, also to comprehend that which is above both good and evil and to know that nature responds positively to disciplined life with miracle and wonders .
At present, men are more or less under the sway of rebellious deeds, acts , thoughts and utterances, they fail to conquer their mouth, mind and action, they fall  for indiscriminate and compulsive acts of perpetual eating  and  drinking of alcohol  or sugary drinks that have actually corrupted their body, mind and soul. They cannot hold themselves accountable  to connect the true divine state through  refraining  from food for certain hours, and  thereby  poison  their mind with unnatural foods and drinks. Immorality and indolence arising from gluttony and drunkenness .  To conquer these habits means supreme conquest of life.  The fools  believe  that everything can be mastered or taught or written without self discipline and self conquest, they defile the body with foods and live with evil thoughts. They seek happiness through immoral doctrines and sweet preachings, condemning  the rationality of life by seeing the world of spirit through their myopic character, criticising and arrogantly   modifying external things  and eternal wisdom to suit their own needs, rules and regulations, thinking the  universe must bend to their own little understanding and feeble wisdom, pretending  to give advise on what is spiritual and divine without an accurate knowledge  of  divine orderliness.
Your attitude  depict your spiritual and divine knowledge . hoever fails to learn the basic spiritual and divine character will not only  destroy his temporary life but his generational bearing and will suffer  eternal consequences.. The wise knows that there is no real mastery or discipline until self is subdued and conquered. Until fasting and prayer are undertaken on the  perpetual basis, your reality and human cannot be redeemed. Do you learn about the story of Ela the greatest and the precious child of Olodumare (GOD), whose teachings go beyond mere sacrifices and rituals. He thought the world the basic principles of divine state through shared love, prayer and fasting. He was eventually victimised and forced to ascend because his teachings contradicted  the views of divinities before him. He wanted a  change in the tradition of his predecessors, but the oppressors and the impostors of his days  did not allow his teachings to see the light of the day, due to their gluttony, immoral behaviour, alcoholism and self praised attitude that did not serve God and man in creation . Learn the secrets of fasting and prayer,  start to fast even  for  just six hours a day to see and witness abundant energy in creation unseen to your physical eyes, and you will perceive  the difference in your life and the lives of your generation. It shall be well with you as long as there is an appearance of the sun.

Prayer for the Children

Every year we see kola nuts and bitter kola at the market place.

Every day and every year the guidance and the protection of God will be established in the life (lives ) of my child (children) and the lives of family and that of children given to me by God.

The children are the gift of God.

Just as the arros is blessed and firmed in the hand of the brave, likewise the lives of the children are so precious in the hand of God. May God continue to protect, guide and bless my children in the jungle of life.

May God spare my own life and the life of my husband/wife to guide the children on the right path of wisdom, knowledge and understanding to fulfill their destinty in this life and the life to come.

May divine hand of God touch them always and shield them from evil thought and evil steps and evil vibration in life.

When God is committed to ones cause, no evil can have any chance.

God is the strength and power of this children and it shall be well with their soul, spirit and body, as long as there is an apperance of the sun.



A Powerful IFA Prayer

Aboru Aboye.

This is a simple, beautiful and powerful Ifa prayer. I will surely memorize this supplication. It is full of deep meaning and esoteric wisdom. This iwure resonates deeply within me. Ifa and my own life experiences has previously made known to me they we can convert poison into medicine. We are able to gain and manifest power of the soul through the ‘poisons’ of adversity, trials, opposition, temptation and challenge. From these poisons we should not run from. We should utilize them to convert them until medicine and longetivity by overcoming, persevering and prevailing against them. Just like the medicine which cures us from the venom of the snake is made from the same poisonous venom in like manner we can gauge virtue, spiritual power and divine radiance by courageously confronting and sublimating these poisons into life giving medicines. There is so much meaning and application that can be unpacked and brought out from this single prayer of Ejiogbe. Whoever fervently recites this prayer will be surrounded by and filled with the light of Ifa. There is deep power, meaning and grace in this prayer. I particularly appreciate the symbolic meaning of the igbi bin laboriously and perseveringly moving through the rough grains of sand and ‘eating, the poison like sand yet gaining strength, resilience and longevity as a product of its effort, exercise and determination to keep moving against the bothersome, cumbersome and irritating resistance. This prayer on the surface looks like a simple poetic analogy but us in fact permeated with many divine lights, powers and truths. Ifa is truly astounding in how it communicates its sacred meaning, power and benefit. The words of this simple but profound prayer was arranged by a masterful and holy seer, sage and priest. Simply beautiful and unassumingly powerful.

The verse under ejiogbe or ogbe meji:

Orunmila koo fi yedenu
Koo fi de kun
Ko fi yede gbogbo ara
Ifa koo seti were
Orunmila koo ro wale aye
Ki o jebo  nan I fin
Ko o  je ru o da
Ifa jee a saye re
Ki ire yi o dode orun gbure gbure  bayi ifa

A difa fun igbin nla ti o  jele ti  o ni ku
Igbin jele , omo awo
Igbin jele e si ku mo
Igbin jele omo awo
Jee won gbo
Ki won to  bayi ifa

Translation under ejiogbe
Orunmila calmly hear our supplications
Merciful accepts our prayers
Compassionayely receive our desire
Give full attention to our request
Orunmila we ask you to descend on Earth
Accept our sacrifice
Grant our desire and needs
Grant us happiness in life
Let our prayer ascend to the highest heaven
Thus declare ifa to the Giant Snail
Anything you eat , even the sand of the Earth
Shall make you live long

Devotees and disciples  of ifa are Giant Snail with absolute patient to live long
That eat poison and live long
Bless all good and faithful devotees with long life , sound health and victory


IWURE – Prayer For Victory And Safety Using The Vibration Of Ogun

Author of the text: Mark Casillas, one of our members from North America
Peace and blessings to you.
May the ire and ase of Ela Omo Osin Asiwaju, Obatala Oseremagbo Alabalaase and Ogun the royal seer, divine architect, warrior-sage, the possessor of the secret of strength, power and endurance, the creative genius, the guardian of truth and vanquisher of sorcerers and witches be with you. Ase. May Baba Orunmila Akerefinusogbon guide, illumine and defend you always. Ase.
Orisa Ogun is with you. Orisa Ogun is with you. Nothing to worry about, Ogun Onire is with you. He is in your left and on your right. Before you and behind you. Below you and above you. He is with you. His strength and power are in your navel. His creativity and profound thoughts are in your mind. His authority and power are upon your tongue and his dynamic spirit is in your blood. His ase is in your bones and his fortune and success are in the palms of your hands. Ogun Ogun the Great Warrior King is with you. Unrelenting and fierce is Ogun before the enemies of truth, order and reverence. He is with you and within you. Have no fear and worry not. Where you work ends, Oguns sagacity, wisdom and irresistable power begins. What others think and say of you good, bad or other enters the hearing of Ogun. He will deal justly with each one. The lovers and practictioners of truth he will reward. The lovers of deception and practioners of lies he will discipline and chastise. Have no fear, worry not and delight in Ogun, the wonderful Ogun, the magnificent and awe inspiring Ogun, Ogun Osin Imole. Patience, perseverance, and authority and tenacity are your faithful allies. With Ogun as a faithful friend, loyal father and unfailing guide what is there to worry about. Arise great Ogun and bestow your ase and ire of victory, triumph and success!!! Ogun Yee!!!