It is well with us all. I am using this opportunity to announce the three days fasting for the month of June 2019, starting from 18hrs today your local time and ending at 18hrs the following day of your local time which must be repeated for three days. I believe the power of God will surely break every yoke of your life and  generational blessing will be your lot  while  fulfilling your destiny in the jungle of life. God bless your month. Start your month with prayer and end it with prayer.
Fasting is the highest form of divine discipline, fasting neutralizes generational curse and establish blessings of immense importance unto your life.
Remember to start fasting for your respective  land/Country in order to overcome terminal illness and all forms of cancer and other types of disease. Pray for your family, friends and loved ones, and don’t forget your helpers or those who have positively influenced your life.
Pray for yourself as a spiritual entity,  nothing is greater than prayer and those who believe and have complete faith in God shall be blessed forever.
The discipline of fasting make you a saint, a sage, savior (because if you can save one soul in your life time, you have become a savior,and  if you cannot save others, save yourself as you are also a pure spiritual entity that connects to a  higher self in the state of absolute perfection and harmony. May God bless you.
If you cannot do fasting for 24 hours then try to do for 12 hours, if still do not have the srength and will to do fasting for 12hours, than please do for 6 hours or 3 hours with prayer and total concentration, it will make a great difference in your life and your month. Try never to totally stop fasting, it is the food of soul and spirit.
Remember your loved ones who had passed away, pray and do fasting for their soul.
Those who should not join fasting are
1. pregnant women
2. nursing mothers or breast feeding mothers
3. the children under 12 years
4. the ill and the sick
5. those who are taking medications
6. the thin and those who are struggling to increase their weight
7. the old people
May God bless you.
Please ensure that you combine praying with your fasting.
Está tudo bem com todos nós. Estou usando esta oportunidade para anunciar o jejum de três dias para o mês de junho de 2019, a partir de 18 horas de hoje o seu horário local e terminando às 18 horas no dia seguinte da sua hora local, que deve ser repetido por três dias. Eu acredito que o poder de Deus seguramente quebrará todo o jugo da sua vida e a bênção geracional será a sua sorte enquanto cumprindo o seu destino na selva da vida. Deus abençoe seu mês. Comece seu mês com a oração e termine com a oração. O jejum é a mais alta forma de disciplina divina, o jejum neutraliza a maldição geracional e estabelece bênçãos de imensa importância para a sua vida. Lembre-se de começar o jejum para a sua respectiva terra / país, a fim de superar a doença terminal e todas as formas de câncer e outros tipos de doença. Ore por sua família, amigos e entes queridos, e não esqueça seus ajudantes ou aqueles que influenciaram positivamente sua vida. Ore por si mesmo como uma entidade espiritual, nada é maior que a oração e aqueles que crêem e têm fé completa em Deus serão abençoados para sempre. A disciplina do jejum faz de você um santo, um sábio, salvador (porque se você pode salvar uma alma em sua vida, você se tornou um salvador, e se você não pode salvar outros, salve-se como você é também uma entidade espiritual pura) liga-se a um eu superior no estado de absoluta perfeição e harmonia.Que Deus o abençoe. Se você não pode fazer jejum por 24 horas, então tente fazer por 12 horas, se ainda não tiver a força e vontade de fazer jejum por 12 horas, do que por 6 horas ou 3 horas com oração e total concentração, ele fará uma grande diferença em sua vida e seu mês. Tente nunca parar totalmente o jejum, é a comida da alma e do espírito. Lembre-se de seus entes queridos que morreram, rezam e fazem jejum por sua alma. Aqueles que não devem participar do jejum são 1. mulheres grávidas 2. mães que amamentam ou mães que amamentam 3. as crianças menores de 12 anos 4. o doente e o doente 5. aqueles que estão tomando medicamentos 6. o magro e aqueles que estão lutando para aumentar seu peso 7. os idosos Que Deus te abençoe. Por favor, assegure-se de combinar a oração com o seu jejum.
Está bien con todos nosotros. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para anunciar los tres días de ayuno del mes de junio de 2019, a partir de las 18 horas de hoy su hora local y terminando a las 18 horas del día siguiente de su hora local, que debe repetirse durante tres días. Creo que el poder de Dios seguramente romperá cada yugo de tu vida y la bendición generacional será tu suerte mientras cumples tu destino en la jungla de la vida. Dios bendiga tu mes. Comienza tu mes con la oración y termina con la oración. El ayuno es la forma más alta de disciplina divina, el ayuno neutraliza la maldición generacional y establece bendiciones de inmensa importancia para tu vida. Recuerde comenzar a ayunar en su respectivo país / país para superar las enfermedades terminales y todas las formas de cáncer y otros tipos de enfermedades. Ora por tu familia, amigos y seres queridos, y no olvides a tus ayudantes o aquellos que han influido positivamente en tu vida. Ora por ti mismo como una entidad espiritual, nada es más grande que la oración y aquellos que creen y tienen completa fe en Dios serán bendecidos para siempre. La disciplina del ayuno te hace un santo, un sabio, un salvador (porque si puedes salvar un alma en tu vida, te has convertido en un salvador, y si no puedes salvar a otros, sálvate a ti mismo como también eres una entidad espiritual pura que se conecta con un ser superior en el estado de absoluta perfección y armonía. Que Dios te bendiga. Si no puede hacer el ayuno durante 24 horas, intente hacerlo durante 12 horas, si aún no tiene el apoyo y hará el ayuno durante 12 horas, entonces hágalo durante 6 horas o 3 horas con oración y concentración total. Gran diferencia en tu vida y en tu mes. Trata de no dejar de ayunar por completo, es el alimento del alma y el espíritu. Recuerda a tus seres queridos que han fallecido, ora y ayuna por su alma. Aquellos que no deben unirse al ayuno son 1. mujeres embarazadas 2. madres lactantes o madres lactantes 3. Los niños menores de 12 años. 4. Los enfermos y los enfermos. 5. Los que toman medicamentos. 6. Los delgados y los que luchan por aumentar su peso. 7. los ancianos Que Dios te bendiga. Por favor, asegúrese de combinar la oración con su ayuno.

The Spiritual Dominion

The greatest things which man is destined to rule with unswerving  move are his  own mind, mouth  and life. These  things are just extension of the universal order of  discipline. They are connected and related to the entire human race or humanity in general.

No victory or success can be achieved without taking these three things into absolute consideration. Whatever you do not have cannot be given to others. I have seen a man who promises  better life and  victory  when he in his inner  sanctuary and secluded place  lack true  discipline and he’s mentally corrupt. I have severally taught  and advised  people  that man who cannot  discipline his own mouth would forever remain slave to passion and immorality. Fasting and prayer are two greatest means to reach out to the universe and connect our lives to the source of all  things in creation. Some have treated the issue of fasting and prayer with  great levity and given no attention to these two of the most potent power in creation  and have equated fasting to certain religion and sect in the modern era. Fasting is a tradition which emanated from the source of life which must be undertaken and performed by all men in creation . It is the source of power and the beginning of all things in creation. Man  gain soul in fasting and died in fasting and sleep till eternity in fasting. Both temporary sleep and permanent sleep  are  rooted  in fasting. Your daily sleep give a vivid example of how universe want you to fast . I have a couple of people who are against fasting because of one thing – total indiscipline deeply rooted in lack of self control and mental disequilibrium,

The mastery of the craft (fasting, prayer and vigil)  embraces the mastery of the knowledge of life. It lifts man into the supremacy of wisdom, discipline, bestowing upon him the gift of miracle, wonders and divine attributes out of which all divinities derived their most potent power.  Fasting, prayer ,vigil and sound mental state give man power to distinguish between good and evil,  between discipline and indiscipline, also to comprehend that which is above both good and evil and to know that nature responds positively to disciplined life with miracle and wonders .
At present, men are more or less under the sway of rebellious deeds, acts , thoughts and utterances, they fail to conquer their mouth, mind and action, they fall  for indiscriminate and compulsive acts of perpetual eating  and  drinking of alcohol  or sugary drinks that have actually corrupted their body, mind and soul. They cannot hold themselves accountable  to connect the true divine state through  refraining  from food for certain hours, and  thereby  poison  their mind with unnatural foods and drinks. Immorality and indolence arising from gluttony and drunkenness .  To conquer these habits means supreme conquest of life.  The fools  believe  that everything can be mastered or taught or written without self discipline and self conquest, they defile the body with foods and live with evil thoughts. They seek happiness through immoral doctrines and sweet preachings, condemning  the rationality of life by seeing the world of spirit through their myopic character, criticising and arrogantly   modifying external things  and eternal wisdom to suit their own needs, rules and regulations, thinking the  universe must bend to their own little understanding and feeble wisdom, pretending  to give advise on what is spiritual and divine without an accurate knowledge  of  divine orderliness.
Your attitude  depict your spiritual and divine knowledge . hoever fails to learn the basic spiritual and divine character will not only  destroy his temporary life but his generational bearing and will suffer  eternal consequences.. The wise knows that there is no real mastery or discipline until self is subdued and conquered. Until fasting and prayer are undertaken on the  perpetual basis, your reality and human cannot be redeemed. Do you learn about the story of Ela the greatest and the precious child of Olodumare (GOD), whose teachings go beyond mere sacrifices and rituals. He thought the world the basic principles of divine state through shared love, prayer and fasting. He was eventually victimised and forced to ascend because his teachings contradicted  the views of divinities before him. He wanted a  change in the tradition of his predecessors, but the oppressors and the impostors of his days  did not allow his teachings to see the light of the day, due to their gluttony, immoral behaviour, alcoholism and self praised attitude that did not serve God and man in creation . Learn the secrets of fasting and prayer,  start to fast even  for  just six hours a day to see and witness abundant energy in creation unseen to your physical eyes, and you will perceive  the difference in your life and the lives of your generation. It shall be well with you as long as there is an appearance of the sun.