He who has undertaken the noble responsibilities of overcoming Himself does not resign himself to anything, that is evil, he subjects  himself only to that which is good, beneficial and serving both God and man in creation. To resign into wickedness, evil and bad utterance is the lowest weakness, obedience  to good is the highest power. To resign oneself to criticism, condemnation, complain, anger, argument and evil task,  or resign to ignorance, suffering, and other negative intention is a reverse of sound spiritual and divine trait of a man, who want to change the cause of destiny and extend the goodness of God in the land of living  must always clamour for the goodness of other and ensure total inner peace in the face of challenge. Such submission to evil shows itself in a selfish and sorrowful life. We ask you to pray, fast and undergo vigil for those who want our support, some of us grumble and  complain of no time and no capacity to Fast. Do  you ever know the purpose of your creation?  The essence of your existence?  It means to serve,  both man and God so as to revert our ancestral curse and bless our future generation, in a such manner never seen before.  Nothing is by chance in life, everything is conform to rigid laws of divine and highest spiritual terrain   Your coming into contact with any member of your family or friends or those we implored you to pray for, are not chance, but a products of  destiny. We are products of destiny and divine phenomenon.

Man is not framed and structured by resignation into sorrow, doing easy things and subject his own body to corruption  and sorrow, but for final victory and joy. All the spiritual laws of the Universe  are with the good man, for good preserves and shield. There are no laws of evil, its nature  is destruction  and desolation. The conscious modification and change of the character away from evil and toward good, forms, at present no part in the common course of  divine consciousness . The conscious formation of good character which is called IWA must be the core of our religion education and spiritual growth. Indeed, a man can be useful, and helpful when  he is able to control himself, has unblemished integrity  and exalted purity. So as to be able to give sound instruction in the making of good  character  which will then be the main feature of existence, and of divine and spiritual education he has in creation.

Hence, established yourself in the knowledge of good , and sound moral behaviour and swim in the ocean of peace with your family, friend, well wishers and enemies alike. The unenlightened may see your character as weakness, remember that you come to the world without power,and your going back will be of no significant, if you cannot do good to all you have met in creation, never wish any evil so as to avoid evil repercussion for ourselves and our generation. No man satisfying the divine laws through evil, but man is filled with joy when his mouth, mind and work extol, and exalt others in creation and pray for peaceful existence of others. Hence, can you pray now  for ourselves and for others this morning, If you have not done that, do it now.
May God and His infinite divinities bless you.

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