IWURE – Prayer For Victory And Safety Using The Vibration Of Ogun

Author of the text: Mark Casillas, one of our members from North America
Peace and blessings to you.
May the ire and ase of Ela Omo Osin Asiwaju, Obatala Oseremagbo Alabalaase and Ogun the royal seer, divine architect, warrior-sage, the possessor of the secret of strength, power and endurance, the creative genius, the guardian of truth and vanquisher of sorcerers and witches be with you. Ase. May Baba Orunmila Akerefinusogbon guide, illumine and defend you always. Ase.
Orisa Ogun is with you. Orisa Ogun is with you. Nothing to worry about, Ogun Onire is with you. He is in your left and on your right. Before you and behind you. Below you and above you. He is with you. His strength and power are in your navel. His creativity and profound thoughts are in your mind. His authority and power are upon your tongue and his dynamic spirit is in your blood. His ase is in your bones and his fortune and success are in the palms of your hands. Ogun Ogun the Great Warrior King is with you. Unrelenting and fierce is Ogun before the enemies of truth, order and reverence. He is with you and within you. Have no fear and worry not. Where you work ends, Oguns sagacity, wisdom and irresistable power begins. What others think and say of you good, bad or other enters the hearing of Ogun. He will deal justly with each one. The lovers and practictioners of truth he will reward. The lovers of deception and practioners of lies he will discipline and chastise. Have no fear, worry not and delight in Ogun, the wonderful Ogun, the magnificent and awe inspiring Ogun, Ogun Osin Imole. Patience, perseverance, and authority and tenacity are your faithful allies. With Ogun as a faithful friend, loyal father and unfailing guide what is there to worry about. Arise great Ogun and bestow your ase and ire of victory, triumph and success!!! Ogun Yee!!!

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