AWO – Who is AWO?

Aboru Aboye.

The way of Ifa is a path of divine straightforwardness and simplicity. The way of Ifa or Ifa consciousness ‘Ifayelele’ is a path of freedom from bewildering complexity, confusion and sophistication. Ifa simplifies, harmonizes and unifies. Ifa delivers from disharmony, inner disparity, mental-emotional turmoil and fragmentation of integral personality. Simplicity, straightforwardness, guilelessness and pure intelligence is the way of Ifa and the way of its aspirants and devotee’s. In Ifayelele (Ifa consciousness) there is no place for feelings of fear, hatred, disgust or discrimination. To be an awo means to be a partaker of Ifa consciousness.

Awo is a settled upon state of heart and mind, marked by peace, serenity, joy and optimism. Awo is an inner state of being, consciousness and outlook that completely fills ones life and governs all of ones interactions and relationships. An awo delights to abide in cleanliness. An awo thrives in demonstrating love, compassion and divine wisdom to all. A person who is inwardly established in this inner quality of divine sentiment is an awo. There is no such thing as a fake or false awo. If one is an awo one is genuine, authentic and true. If one is not genuine, authentic, honest and truthful, one cannot lay claim to the sublime status or name of awo. One is either awo or not. An awo has a strong sense of social responsibility and identifies himself with the sufferings of humanity and is dedicated to bringing relief to the suffering ones. An awo struggles individually and collectively against social injustices. An awo Orunmila or follower of the Ifa spirit of limitless light and life stays very far away from doubt. An awo Ifa stays very far away from those things that the wise do not approve. Awo Ifa do not dwell in ogberi consciousness (state of mind of those whose understanding and intelligence is stained by ignorance, blind passions, conceit, foolish stubbornness and selfishness). Awo Ifa dwell in the divine sentiment and are rooted in and nourished by the divine power.

The vocabulary of an awo Ifa or one growing in his awareness and experience of Ifayelele has no place for defiling, provocative, slanderous words that spread enmity and strife. Such words or thoughts do not arise in an accomplished awo. Whenever you come across such divine, holy and peculiar awo, know them to be blessed by Olorun Alaaye (The one supreme God who is eternally living and full of beginingless life, light, immeasurable wisdom and boundless power). Such awo are living holy shrines. Wherever they go and whatever they touch becomes auspicious, purified, uplifted and blessed. Such awo are fields of merit. Whatever ones bestows upon them in love, affection, respect and appreciation returns back to the giver many, many, many times over. With unshakeable faith and reverence they are moved by human sufferings. They live for the happiness, peace and wellbeing of others and not for themselves.

Olodumare takes care of all their requisite needs. Olodumare takes full responsibility for such awo and upholds them with His grace, truth, power and love. Before such awo, even the Orisa bow in reverence, love, respect and amity. Such divine awo are well cultivated and do not like to see anyone spreading disharmony. Their way is one of friendliness and compassion. Their way is one of respect, dignity and seeing love within each other. The awo who pursue Ifayele (Ifa way of peace, fulfillment and harmony) do not have any special appearance. Their character and noble personality are their garments. They do not worry about themselves and are possessed of contentment. They accept life as it is without complaint and see the mysteries and love of Eledumare in everything and everyone. Their aim is only to increase the pool of goodness in the world and strengthen the rope of life. Such aspirants and devotee’s of Ifa aspire to and delight in remaining blameless in their undertakings and firm in their determination to live clean, honest and sympathetic lives. Such awo may get cheated by others but they never cheat others. They do not pay others in the same coin. They believe in and entrust themsleves to the power of truth, loving-kindness and the law of divine justice. Such awo are free from conceit, pride and vanity. They avoid these three things as if they were poisons or burning fires. They delight in showing respect to others and they delight in hiding their strengths, virtues, powers and wisdom from others. They seek the glory of Olodumare and His wisdom/power called Ifa.

Awo Ifa avoid intoxicants of mind and body. Such awo avoid immorality and promiscuity as if these were merciless ravenous wolves or lions. They avoid deceit and lies. Awo live lives of altruistic heroism, courage and inspiration. Such awo are not easily found or identified but they are known to Olodumare and His orisa. These awo are continuously engaged in providing for the well being of others. They do not discriminate whether others are worthy or not worthy. They are like the light that emanates from the sun and the rain that descends from the clouds. They pour out goodnes and blessings to all without partiality. They give to each one what he needs and not always what they want. Such awo grow to have presence, power and ability like Ela Asiwaju, who is able to bestow and effect positive changes, healings, wholesome corrections and divine realizations by his mere presence, look or touch. Even without speaking, even through silence such divine awo can speak peace, love, assurance, comfidence and meaning to those who draw near to them and to those to whom they draw near. The way of these awo is marked by simplicity, clarity, straightforwardness and purity. Everything they say and do emanates from their pure being. They abide in the life of the heart.

These awo are not in competition with anyone nor are they comparing themselves to anyone.They are not led by a superficial intellect but a heart full of true understanding and insight. In them, the heart and mind are a unified reality. The heart and mind of an awo remains unsullied from the contaminants of ogberi mentality. Awo are truly free from greed, anger, lust, worldliness and pride and the corrosive effects that they produce. Awo live in serenity, divine beauty, gracefulness and contentment. To such awo Olodumare gives the privilege and power of command, authority and leadership because such awo do not practice deception and do not bring others down into the depths of despair and fear. Such awo do not point people to themselves but to Olodumare, Ifa and the noble ways of Orisa. These are the divine qualities and characteristics of (genuine) aspirants and devotee’s of Ifa.

Do not go out into the world seeking for the ones who have these qualities and characteristics, but study yourself instead and see if these traits are in you and are you. Only when you are personality established in these qualities and characteristics or Ifayelele will you then be able to truly see, know and discern the awo who is truly awo in quality of spirit and manner of life. Like attracts like. Like attracts like. Like attracts like. To truly know and discern a [true] awo you have to be one. No one should be content with being an ‘awo’ in name only. What good will come of it? What benefit will be accrue?

Consider daily these qualities and characteristics and make them your own. Do not concern yourself with others, whether they are true or not, reliable or not. One thing only is there for you to accomplish. Make sure that you are true, authentic and accomplished, and all others things will take care of themselves. One cannot be a part-time awo. One cannot oscillate between awo (ogbon) and ogberi. One has to be true, authentic and real from the center of ones being to the outermost extremity, through and through, all of the time. Dear followers of Ifa, takes these words of wisdom and guidance and incorporate them into your lives. Do not just listen, ponder and consider them but be motivated to practice and be the truth and do the truth. If you are not persuaded to follow this course, your lives will always feel and be hollow, empty, lacking in substance and accomplishment.You will always feel that something is missing from your life and you will be erroneously be led to think that what you are needing are more ceremonies, more initiations, more contacts with different kinds of initiates etc etc. You will never be whole and will always be jumping from here to there looking for inner satisfaction, peace and rest. Do not fall into the self created trap of seeking misguided, erroenous or imaginary solutions to your real problems and longings.

What you are needing and looking for, no one can instantaneously give to you. Even to receive divine benefits ones has to qualify to be able to rightly receive or be receptive to the divine light, grace and power. Stop jumping here and there. Be humble. Gain stability, foundation and balance. Follow the pattern of divine guidance. Re-initiate yourself through a clarified intelligence, firm will and holy determination. Be persuaded to ground yourself in the perennial truths and spirit Ifa and make them your own through assiduous practice.

A true seer is defined as one whose understanding, intelligence and actions are indivisibly one. If one does not do the truth and good that one knows, that shows that one has not truly understood or penetrated into realm of divine understanding. In the divine realm, to know the truth of iwa means to marry iwa and embody iwa in all one thinks, says and does. In the life of an awo, comprehension and action cannot be two seperate things. They are inseparably one and form a single, indivisible complete reality. The whole of Ifa consists of doing. Of doing what? Of doing, of practicing, of demonstrating the guidance, principles and counsel of Ifa. Ifa is the one who counsels us and advises us with a meticulous care, concern and love that surpasses that of our relatives.

Become a master of the essential and do not waste your time on the non-essentials. Time is running out. The time to adjust oneself and do what is true and right is now. A blade of grass is soft and pliable yet it can cut the hand if not properly handled or improperly grasped. The way of Ifa is like this. Ifa is soft, pliable, flexible and firm but when one handles Ifa wrongly or improperly through negligence and deliberate forgetfulness one ends up cuttings oneself or injuring oneself. Let Ifa be to you a healing herb of life, delightfulness and joy and not a cutting blade. It all depends on you and how you handle the wisdom and guidance that Ifa repeatedly sends your way. The love, power and gracefulness of Ifa is hidden within the counsel and advice Ifa gives. Only when you take the kernel of Ifa wisdom and plant it in your heart and nurture (cultivate and practice) will you experience its efficacy and wonder. Ifa is more interested in you receiving and applying the words of guidance for daily living than in offerings and sacrifices. Only when you do and apply the former does Ifa delight in and accepts the latter. For those who really want to benefit and make genuine progress in their spiritual life these words are sufficient.

Ela ‘boru.
Ela ‘boye.
Ela ‘bosise.


This divinity is generally known as a universal or  divine policeman because of the spiritual duties of enforcing divine laws and order . ESU in reality deter chaos , confusion  and pandemonium in the life of all devotees  of OLODUMARE   at all level in life. Without the activities of this great divinity , the entire universe would have experienced or fall  into  great confusion never seen before in creation  . Had it not been for the fear of the unknown and the law of retributive effect, man would not have given any importance or meaning to life  or to superior forces or try to  know or seek the existence of higher power in creation,   the fact that man will go on the way of his ancestor after short life span , force him to submit to the superior forces of OLODUMARE AND HIS NUMEROUS DIVINITIES.   ESU makes us realize that evil awaits the evil doers at all level , and goodness awaits the wise  here and hereafter   . Man wants to live freely without caution , and he wants to do whatever  suits him and man is delighted in his own  immoral existence and  his  indolence. Man wants to assume complete authority with ease  but the presence of Ajogun Orun, that is, the punitive knights  of heavenly doom create fear into the life and mind of man to reject arrogance and seek wisdom . Man does not want to worship or revere any higher force or forces, and consequently man does not want to recognize any power higher or explanation beyond his physical existence   not to talk of unseen energies embedded in the universe.  The presence and the knowledge of Esu force man to yield to higher and unseen force of OLODUMARE and His  numerous divinities.


He is the arbiter between   man  in the quest  to  deter evil manifestation in his destiny and attract positive lot to his  life and that of his generation . There is no way we can speak or write about ESU without trying to iron out who is AJOGUN, or ALAJOGUN or AJOGUN ORUN . AJOGUN ORUN , literally means or  translates to ‘’PUNITIVE KNIGHTS OF HEAVENLY DOOM NAMELY , IKU (DEATH) , ARUN (DISEASES) , OFO ( SORROW) , OFO( LOSS) ,ESE(DESTRUCTION ) , EJO (LAWSUITS) . These energies or vibrations are not man –made or  physical reality , they are spiritual forces embedded in the universe to serve as deterrent  to any man who fail to comply to universal laws and orders.. Remember,  weed   grows on uncultivated land , the fool  sees  weeds as  nuisance in the universal order of things , but it is  natural  to have weeds to protect the uncultivated land from losing her richness or fertility while a wise farmer with seed , must sweat through his own effort to replace the weed with the seed . Like the weed of sickness , death , lawsuit , destruction , loss , sorrow and other negative vibrations are well established in the universal order of things  to appreciate life and to ensure that man labor for his spiritual freedom, liberty and opportunity in life . Nothing should come freely to man , all things must be labored for , to appreciate its value and its usefulness. Esu becomes the go between  two opposing  ends of objective of all creatures and discontentment  Life entails the period of happiness and the time of unhappiness,  the time to live and the time to pass on to the world beyond or other side of the universe , the time of  riches and the period of lack , the time to rain and the period of drought , the time of  accomplishment  and  the period of disappointment .

It is a well acceptable fact that good  fruits of life would not come to our life without effort  unless induced or enticed  by effort  or power within and without ( the power within is the spiritual and the power without is the divine –the expansive power of OLODUMARE AND HIS NUMEROUS DIVINITIES).  Bad occurrence or evil manifestation would not stop  coming into our lives  like weed covering up   an un-cultivated  and  fertile land. It is therefore, absolutely compulsory or necessary  to approach  or seek power beyond our control or spiritual wisdom to gain control over this misfortune or negative manifestations. Life itself is the work of spirit , and spirit is life , no one solves what is in the spirit with ordinary human wisdom , the need to delve into spiritual world to effect positive changes in our life and destiny call for the presence of Esu and reverence to  his immense power in the universe. In all human effort to grow and to change the unchangeable, Esu is needed . Esu is said to be the divinity  that connects man to higher forces so  that the presence of ALAJOGUN can be neutralized without delay and other negative powers can be kept away from our own path and that of our generation . Energy of ESU  according to Enitolodu, is the primordial  energetic vibration from the divine realm that  go beyond spiritual, mental , emotional and physical .

ESU is at the middle of both divergent world forces , Esu Controls and regulates the two extremes, the world of happiness, joy and fulfillment , and also the arena of destruction , hopelessness and sorrow . At times, man tries to explain the activities in the world through their unlimited knowledge of the unknown , he fails to realize that , spiritual goes beyond prediction and scientific analysis of man in creation or human reason . The wise knows that beyond the field of human knowledge commences the  true picture of reality , the divine reality of life and limitless vibrations  pervading the  universe,hence to explore this reality , man must connect , initiate or appease to ESU , the adjudicator and arbitrator of these numerous level of creations or many  worlds of existence .

Esu demands  from those who have  to give  to those that do not have or those who demanded  for it , within the limit of sacrifices, and initiations , the spiritual forces spread to cover and guide those who are obedient to the sacrifice and punish those who  neglect possible offerings of sacrifice and initiations. Both world of visible  and  invisible are to be regularized , and since man cannot walk himself to the spiritual realm unaided , he needs the support of ESU to appease to the world of spirit so as to bring and shape his misfortune into fortune and maintain his happy lot from generation to generation .  ESU ,at times, test man through difficulties and wake him up from the slumber or deep sleep of ignorance . Without challenges and death,   no man seeks God , the simple act of having ESU to carry out the function of waking man from deep slumber , gives Him (ESU) , the most reverence and admiration  every  spiritual  man must  do on daily basis.  Sacrifice or initiation is in-complete without offering first ( sacrifice or ritual) to ESU , that is the reason an intelligent devote says ‘’ esu duro niwaju , esu duro seyin awo , ‘’ that is  , You –ESU , be at the front and be at the back of the devote’’. The meaning of the above statement is for Esu to prevent evil of the front and the evil at the back , and if fortune and riches  are coming both at the front and at the back , with the wisdom  and the support of ESU, it will get to us without  delay and disturbance from any quarter .

Esu tests all human and make them pass through the fire of life to know that there is a superior power  above us, that is in control , and the power must be recognized by all creature in their sublime or moving  form .


When ifa reveals the secret of these evil forces and warning to carry out necessary sacrifices to reduce or deter their power , and the devotee agrees to perform necessary sacrifices , ESU then moves into action and take the sacrifice performed by good ifa priest  to the place of acceptance , distribute such sacrifice among various divinities and other elemental forces in the cosmos so that the purpose of the sacrifice can be achieved . In fact  Esu becomes  the pacifier that appeal to all contrary forces in the universe to stop the manifestation of destruction when all necessary sacrifices and spiritual steps have been performed .The duties of Esu go beyond   evil deterrent , ESU also  takes sacrifices to other divinities in heaven so as to enable them carry out the work endowed or instructed or given  to them by God . Remember that most of these divinities are unseen and invisible , and the power to induce them to aid and support our life are  given to ESU through the sacrifices we offered to them .  ESU builds a strong energy for those who carry out spiritual steps as directed by ifa  to prevent negative attack  from getting to us in the physical state of existence and damage our relations with our spiritual colleague and divine partner in heaven-EGBE .

IFA through the knowledge of odu states that ESU came with the greatest primordial divinities during trans-spiritual and divine migration from heaven to the earth .He supported the greatest exodus in  creation , helping all divinities to achieve their purposes, most especially IFA ORUNMILA BARA AGBONNIREGUN . The major work of Ifa is divination and correction of error associated with life   , and also the prescription of sacrifices , rituals, prayer , initiations and other spiritual steps to right the wrong and to rectify all misfortunes associated with human destiny and his generation . Who then become a  facilitator!!! , the answer is ESU , he takes sacrifice to heaven and brings back the good messages from OLODUMARE  AND HIS NUMEROUS DIVINITIES to the doers of sacrifice on Earth . Through this great work ESU KNOWS THE SECRET OF UNSEEN WORLD OF SPIRIT AND THE DESIRE AND ASPIRATION OF MEN ,  these two opposing demands are brought into harmony and have solution through  ESU.

Heaven  needs the attention of man in creation to fulfill their destiny and to fulfill the purpose by which GOD  created him , while man needs the attention of GOD  and His numerous divinities  to SUPPORT himself in the jungle of life   , the balance between the two is facilitated through ESU .

In one of the numerous verses of ifa ,  ESU was seen as the servant and at the same time , the leader of all divinities. He is seen as servant because he feeds them daily with the sacrifice performed by man , and also takes the message of  divinities back to man . While as a leader , because , he is at the throne of  OLODUMARE  on daily basis , knowing the important decisions made by GOD ON DAILY BASIS  and also relates and brings the decision of  OLODUMARE to both divinities and human alike , that is the main reason he is called AJIROBA , — THAT IS THE ONE WHO SEES ON DAILY BASIS , THE OMNIPOTENT KING OF THE UNIVERSE , OLODUMARE  .

In one of the greatest myth , ESU  intended to dominate and take  all divinities as slaves , he planted one of his properties  inside their different bags  and loads  and declared it missing when they were coming during trans- spiritual migration from ALEDE ORUN( heaven) . ESU  announced  to the divinities that he  was looking for missing properties , and in whose bag the missing property is found would become his   slave .  ORUNMILA , the great (HBA- HEEPA BARA AGBONNIREGUN) , quickly recognized the attitude of ESU, consulted ifa , and it was revealed that , he ( Orunmila) should quickly returned the property(esu put in his bag) back to ESU’S LUGGAGE, before dawn .  ORUNMILA  took the steps as directed by ifa and saved himself and other divinities from being enslaved by ESU ODARA . Till   present , ESU BECOMES THE SERVANT INSTEAD OF LEADER OF DIVINITIES , hence ORUNMILA   directed  ESU to always sleep outside  so as to guide other divinities taking rest or sleeping inside the house ,

According to odu ifa under ejiogbe:

Ifa lo dalarun barun waye

Emi naa wi mo lo dalarun barun waye

Orunmila  loun ri tikole  orun bowa si ikole aye

Oun tepa osun

Esu odara  lo reru  awo tele oun

A difa  fun alarun

Nijo  ESU  odara loun o gba gbogbo ere ise oga oun

Won ni ko karale ebo ni ko ya wa muse

ESU odara gbo gbigbo ebo ko rubo

Kaki ki o ko ere awon oga , nise won ba ti ESU odara si gbalede

Won ti si enu ona , won ti si orita meta ona ara

ESU duro ni waju , ki o kehin awo

Nitori tire loso ro


Ifa says , it is as if the people came to the world with diseases

I confirm the insinuation that people  came to the world with diseases

Orunmila averred  and confirmed , saying , he was coming  from heaven to the physical state of existence

Orunmila said , he was coming and walking with osu staff

ESU  odara was the one that carried  the oracular  bag  on his head following ORUNMILA AND OTHER DIVINITIES

Thus cast IFA ORACLE    for the sick ones

On the day , ESU ODARA  said , he would  take all the gains of his master .

Esu was advised to be patience and offer sacrifice

Esu did not offer sacrifice

Instead of taking all the gains of his master

Esu was pushed out of the house

Esu was pushed to the three cross road

Esu was asked to stay both at the front and at the back

Because only the wise and the spiritual can know the way of ESU

Till today , the shrine of esu is always at the front or back door of the house or  at the

entrance of the house or  office,  to guide and protect the occupier of the house or the office from the attack of ALAJOGUN OR OTHER EVIL MANIFESTATIONS.

Odu iwori meji states  that ESU  becomes the first student of ORUNMILA  during trans- migration  and the name given by  ORUNMILA to ESU is ESU OBASIIN. ( ESU, THE KING THAT SERVES) … TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT LESSON )


THE WAY GO IFAYELELE (Divine love-intelligence consciousness)

Aboru Aboye. Ogbo ato asure iworiwofun.

Have compassion and friendliness towards all beings whereby Olodumare is satisfied. What is unattainable when Olodumare the Source Supreme is satisfied? Inner peace, contentment, happiness and well being are desired and sought for by all. Peaces of mind and inner contentment are products of living in harmony with iwa and otito. Looking for peace and happiness in the accumulation of material objects or effervescent worldly circumstances is as illusory, pointless and futile as attempting to try to capture a mirage. True peace, joy and contentment are that which can be had independently of changing circumstances only when we are progressively established in Ifayelele (divine consciousness of love, intelligence, courage and complete inner satisfaction).

When the heart and mind are permanently merged and united with the ase of Olodumare, this is Ifayelele (the blissful transcendental state or condition). In Ifayelele we are rooted and established in the primordial realm of causes and are freed from trying to make sense of the bewildering world of multitudinous effects over which we have no complete control. We are at peace with the world and ourselves when we are established in Ifayele. This is why Orunmila Oba Atayese praised Ifa and said, “Ifa you and I are very united. We are certainly one.”  The meaning, depth, power and significance of these words would take an entire volume to explicate so as to do justice to its sublimity, beauty, power and vision, but in a nutshell the continual aim and goal of Orunmila for himself and his followers is Ifayele. The transcendental state and condition of Ifa consciousness; or qualitative conscious union with the Ifa spirit of limitless light and life is Ifayelele.

Ifayelele experience moulds our character, and strengthens and sublimates our personality.  Ifayele does not submerge our personality but enhances it. Ifayelele makes our mind or intelligence progressively one in quality and power with Ifa. Ifayelele does not make everyone identical or the same, but causes the original and unique blueprint for our persons, according the divine purpose set by Olodumare, to reach fruition. The experience and condition of Ifayelele is one of inner sweetness, peace, unshakeable serenity, purity, love, contentment, awe or rapture, super abounding ecstatic supreme confidence, assurance and joy.

When people first approach Ifa they usually do so when a life problem emerges, leading them to find solutions, suggestions and/or remedies through consulting the divine Ifa oracle. Solutions, suggestions and remedies are sought by many through Ifa for the above reasons. Some approach Ifa looking for health, others come seeking doors of opportunity for gainful employment, some come seeking a life partner (love), others solutions to family problems or other pressing personal problems. The reasons people come to Ifa are countless. The reasons are mostly for solutions related to personal or mundane problems. Comparatively speaking few people actually approaches Ifa with the purpose of fulfilling their spiritual longings and need for spiritual actualization or realization through Ifa knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Most come to resolve immediate personal concerns or problems.

But as the person experiences the ase, power and efficacy of Ifa, they begin to sense that there is a greater depth, dimension or purpose to Ifa than just the remedying of immediate problems associated with health, love, money, success in business ventures etc. They slowly come to realize, understand and appreciate that Ifa has a higher and over-arching purpose than just the remedying of personal problems or concerns. Ifa is genuinely interested in responding to and remedying our immediate personal concerns, but Ifa is not limited to just this, even though this is an importance and attractive feature or function of Ifa. It is only over time that a conscious awareness dawns on the person, that Ifa is seeking to do and achieve in a persons life, much  more and beyond than what they consulted Ifa for. Ifa seeks to accomplish something beyond the remedying of immediate problems or concerns that we often posit before Ifa.

In oriki Ifa it is clearly stated that if we knew Orunmila (Ifa) more closely, accurately or intimately, we would know  (experience) immortality, eternal life, complete inner satisfaction, serenity and perfect spiritual fulfilment. This immortality, eternal life, joy, complete inner satisfaction, abiding serenity and perfect spiritual fulfilment refers to attaining the highest divine state, condition or quality of life that is enjoyed by Olodumare and the perfected Orisa. This state is known as Ifayelele. Oriki Ifa says, ‘Ki a mo o ki a la, Oba Alade Olodu Merindinlogun’,  (‘To know him (Ifa-Orunmila) is to find salvation, King of the Sixteen Principles of Creation.’) To experientially know Ifa is to be personally established in Ifayelele. When one is established in Ifayelele one has power to convert poison into medicine and worry into happiness.

Because Orunmila is himself established in the Ifa spirit of limitless life and life (Ifayelele), he is also known as the one who can convert our worries into happiness. ‘Ayo teere gb’ara san’le ma fi ara pa, a s’oro d’ayo’ (The young one who falls without injury, he who transforms worry into happiness.) The invitation and challenge of Ifa is that we do not become merely content with knowing the high status and ability of Orunmila that enables him to do the wonderful he does, but that we ourselves should grow in our development and attainment of Ifa consciousness, so that in union with Orunmila we might be agents of blessing, healing, comfort and joy to others. That we too might have in ourselves the power to avert, diminish and destroy the power and influence of death (decline, loss, illness, disease, anxiety, fear, worry and decay of all kinds). This is the secret Ifa will share with us and bestow upon us if we become sincere and humble resolute dedicated students and practitioners of the confidential mysteries of Ifa. We should without doubt rely on Orunmila, but one should know that the aim of Orunmila is not to make us dependant upon himself but to make us more and more like him.

Upon whom or what did Orunmila depend? Did he depend on an Orisa? Think about it carefully. He received what help and support he was able to receive from the Orisa but he himself was dependent on Ifa (the spirit of limitless light and life) or in other words he was always seeking to grow in Ifa and looked to Ifa to establish him in greater, deeper and purer levels of Ifayele. It can be said that Orunmila was immersed and filled with the Ifa spirit of limitless light and life. Orunmila relied on the joint union of Ifa and his own sacred Ori. This too should be our main practice and abiding support. As our ori is guided, developed and nourished by the Ifa spirit of limitless light and life, so we progressively lead by stages and degrees into Ifayelele. At times we experience growth spurts where we experience Ifayelele powerfully and find ourselves in a wonderful and unexplainable state of heightened awareness, divine trance, holy rapture, strength, sweetness, mystic vision, divine inspiration and power.

But because our Ifayalele is not yet perfected or matured, we come down from that lofty divine state. But even those momentary flashes or experiences of Ifayelele greatly changes and transforms us regardless of the duration of the enlightening, ecstatic and rapturous experience. Little by little we become established in Ifayelele and the duration of our state of Ifayelele is prolonged more and more until Ifayelele is our permanent state or condition from which we no longer come down from or retrogress to a mundane mentality. At the climax of growth, development and perfection our own divinized human mind and/or intelligence we will become complete united or spiritually fused with our divine ori. This is supreme Ifayele. This is what happened to the holy sage and seer of Igeti, Orunmila.  At the height and climax of this attainment due to many  years of learning, perseverence, study, training, struggling, pondering and applying the inner heart mysteries of Ifa,  Orunmila with great ecstasy, extraordinary wonder, heroic victory and joyous rapture entered the highest, final and most complete state of Ifa consciousness, the fusion of his developing and perfect Ori with his own spirit/mind (Ifayelele).

This is the goal Orunmila Oba Atayese has for us. This is the goals we should personally set for ourselves and aspire for. Orunmila is the master of Ifayalele and is able to lead us there. Orunmila is called, ‘Iriju Olodumare. Alatunse aiye.  Ikuforiji. Oba  Olofa asun l’Ola.’ (The prime minister of the Creator. The one whose function is to set the world right. The being whom even death honors! The ruler who draws blessings and prosperity after him and who sleeps in the midst of honor.) Aboru Aboye ooo Orunmila! How do you suppose my dear friends, fellow initiates and genuine seekers of truth that Orunmila will be rectifying and setting things right in the world? Think for a moment. Meditate the mystery of Ifa. Ponder it in your own heart and discern the answer, the reality.

The world is you! The world is me! The world of your heart and mind. The world of my heart and mind. Orunmila will elevate, enhance, develop and perfect your individual mental, emotional and spiritual mental state by progressively taking you through the gradual stages of attainment of Ifayelele. This is the true meaning of the Ifa revelation that Orunmila will mend our world. Not the world out there, external to yourself but the inner world of your feelings, desires, imagination, emotions and will. When Ifa revelation says Ifa will mend our world it means the mending of the individual heart and mind i.e. your world, your life, your inner world and inner life which is expressed through your conduct, behavior, demeanor and words. When you and I are mended, healed and rectified as individuals then the entire world is naturally and consequentially rectified.

So my dear friends, initiates and fellow companion-practitioners are you up for the journey of Ifayelele? Is your interest piqued? Does the desire for the attainment of Ifayelele burn in your heart with unwavering intensity? Do you want to taste, savor, glean and learn more of this sacred and confidential Ifa mystery? To achieve Ifayelele Orunmila studied, persevered and applied himself diligently and resolutely. When the journey got intense and the ajogun attempted to oppose Orunmila in his high goal of Ifayelele he did not give up or give in. He would call on Ela Iwori Asiwaju to support, encourage and strengthen him!  Dear fellow companions and practitioners of Ifa, learn more and savor more of this divine mystery you will by the blessing of Ifa. But for now this message and teaching is adequate and sufficient.

Ogbo ato asure iworiwofun. Aboru Aboye.


In reality, IFA would not condemn you on the basis of sexual orientation, colour and race.  If Ifa is a religion of acceptance and real love, IFA will love you independent of your sexual stands or sexual orientation.

Indeed, in Yoruba tradition, the word homosexual has no meaning, since, it is not part of the culture and customs. People in the traditional African setting, most especially in Yoruba culture, they see homosexuality as a strange phenomenon and sexual disorientation of the western culture to tamper with human procreation. You must know that Yoruba culture is primitive, and whatever we call primitive would not change, but assume the old conception of things.

But if we want to go by what the odu Obara Meji says, in the seventh vibration or energy of  OLODUMARE out which odu is deduced or withdrawn, then Obara Meji speaks of duality, which can means, a man or woman or deities possessing two form of lives, the masculine and the feminine parts, namely, the same man or woman can exhibit both masculine and feminine parts without altering the glory of GOD. All divinities are neither female nor male, because sex or sex division are only in the ethereal form of life that has no justification in the spiritual realm and divine glory.

What really matters in life and in IFA is Iwa, the total sum of your good character, that distinguishes you from mere mortal man which out spiritual and divine power, character is life, and life is spiritual and every life is the spirit its possesses, and the character he or she assumes on getting to ethereal level of life, hence improve your character , and your life will improve and your spirit will be elevated.

Life or spirit is not about sex, but a good life can be achieved on getting to the physical state of existence through good character, and not through sexual classification or orientation.

Duality of life occurs in the physical state, while unity of all things exists in the spiritual level and perfect love are the characteristics of divine realm. Whenever there is divine love, which is the foundation of good character, no one really looks at the sexual identification or orientation.

To be divine is to assume divine characteristics which is founded and based on perfect love , while to be spiritual is to unify yourself to the work of spirit, which is the work of faith, devotion, belief and dedication , improvement and understanding , knowledge and energy.

While the physical level tends to seek for physical desire, and every desire has its own destructive elements that generate extensive pains, if you belief that whatever you are doing do not impair the life of others, then, stick to it  and have a perfect love for your neighbour, because it is whatever you do to your neighbour that counts in life and  such attitude will give you credit on a spiritual level of existence , and earn you a good mark on divine plain.

Your orientation depicts your understanding of how spiritual and divine energy operates and works in the cosmos or nature. You are what you think you can do and do better to improve the life of others, not your sexual orientation or sexual desire that care  less about the physical suffering of the people or meeting the spiritual consciousness of the people or their divine level. Your sexual orientation does not free you from being the part of spiritual community, or debars you from the glory of GOD.
