Odu irosun meji speaks of female energy and it centres around the Divinity Osun as the basis of its existence. It speaks of the female energy controlling the universal rhythm and the power to be.The odu speaks of the importance of ORISA OSUN as the creator of EERINDILOGUN – the sixteen cowries, which is the fractional part or extraction of IFA complete divination(256 odus). Probably the odu was created by OSUN so that her marriage to IFA ORUNMILA BARA AGBONNIREGUN will be of immense benefit to human race. Indeed OSUN’S name is OSUN INU IBU meaning a revered female diety that lives in the deepest of ocean.
Irosun meji signifies the support of female energy to illuminate life, ensure fertility, give protection, convene wealth, deter evil manifestation and ensure that life is blended with natural order of things to attract the best that life can offer. The odu speaks of fertility, prosperity and the importance of female energy and female deities in the universal order of things.
When irosun meji appears to a man, he will be advised to take good care of his mother, wife, sister, female family members, female children and his ancestral guarding soul (egungun, igunnuko, egbeogba and oro).and offer sacrifices to female divinities like ewa,osun, aasa, yemoja, olokun, oba, oya, and the spirits of the twins,(ibeji) to ensure the survival, protection, and establishment of wealth, happiness, and harmony.
Irosun meji speaks of preservation of mother earth and constant rituals to iroko, oke and sango.The odu speaks of the spirit of abiku – born to die- and the rituals to prevent such a horrible disaster within the family
People with energy of irosun meji must always give ritual to their spiritual head, adore their head with beautiful things of life which they can afford so that all their wishes could manifest and they must always pray for the surplus of material possession or everything. Ifa speaks of surplus, victory, wealth, happiness and joy, it speaks of yellow as the colour associated with Irosun meji.

Contact baba at ayeakamarasocietyifa@gmail.com


For more teaching, divinations, consultation, counselling and for the purchase of all Ifa materials.



Odu irosun meji fala de energia feminina e centra-se em torno da Divindade Osun como base de sua existência. Ele fala da energia feminina controlando o ritmo universal e o poder de ser. O odu fala da importância de ORISA OSUN como o criador de EERINDILOGUN - os dezesseis cowries, que é a parte fracionária ou extração de divinação completa de IFA (256 odus) . Provavelmente o odu foi criado pela OSUN para que seu casamento com a IFA ORUNMILA BARA AGBONNIREGUN traga imenso benefício para a raça humana. Na verdade, o nome da OSUN é OSUN INU IBU, que significa uma divindade feminina reverenciada que vive no oceano mais profundo.
Irosun meji significa o apoio da energia feminina para iluminar a vida, assegurar a fertilidade, proteger, convocar a riqueza, deter a manifestação do mal e assegurar que a vida seja misturada com a ordem natural das coisas para atrair o melhor que a vida pode oferecer. O odu fala de fertilidade, prosperidade e importância da energia feminina e divindades femininas na ordem universal das coisas.
Quando irosun meji aparecer para um homem, ele será aconselhado a cuidar bem de sua mãe, esposa, irmã, membros da família do sexo feminino, crianças do sexo feminino e sua ancestral alma guardadora (egungun, igunnuko, egbeogba e oro) e oferecer sacrifícios às mulheres. divindades como ewa, osun, aasa, yemoja, olokun, oba, oya e os espíritos dos gêmeos, (ibeji) para garantir a sobrevivência, proteção e estabelecimento de riqueza, felicidade e harmonia.
Irosun meji fala de preservação da mãe terra e rituais constantes para iroko, oke e sango.O odu fala do espírito de abiku - nascido para morrer - e os rituais para evitar um desastre tão horrível dentro da família
As pessoas com energia de irosun meji devem sempre dar ritual à sua cabeça espiritual, adorar sua cabeça com belas coisas da vida que podem permitir para que todos os seus desejos possam se manifestar e devem sempre orar pelo excedente de posse material ou tudo. Se fala de excedente, vitória, riqueza, felicidade e alegria, fala de amarelo como a cor associada a Irosun meji.

Entre em contato com baba em ayeakamarasocietyifa@gmail.com


Para mais ensino, adivinhações, consulta, aconselhamento e para a compra de todos os materiais da Ifa.


Odu irosun meji habla de energía femenina y se centra alrededr de la Divinidad Osun como la base de su existencia. Habla de la energía femenina que controla el ritmo universal y el poder de ser. La odu habla de la importancia de ORISA OSUN como creadora de EERINDILOGUN: las dieciséis cobrizas, que es la parte fraccionaria o extracción de la adivinación completa IFA (256 odus) . Probablemente el odu fue creado por OSUN para que su matrimonio con IFA ORUNMILA BARA AGBONNIREGUN sea de inmenso beneficio para la raza humana. De hecho, el nombre de OSUN es OSUN INU IBU, que significa una deidad venerada que vive en lo más profundo del océano.
Irosun meji significa el apoyo de la energía femenina para iluminar la vida, asegurar la fertilidad, brindar protección, reunir riqueza, disuadir la manifestación maligna y asegurar que la vida se combine con el orden natural de las cosas para atraer lo mejor que la vida puede ofrecer. El odu habla de la fertilidad, la prosperidad y la importancia de la energía femenina y las deidades femeninas en el orden universal de las cosas.
Cuando irosun meji se le aparece a un hombre, se le recomendará que cuide bien de su madre, esposa, hermana, familiares, hembras y su alma protectora ancestral (egungun, igunnuko, egbeogba y oro). Y ofrezca sacrificios a las mujeres. divinidades como ewa, osun, aasa, yemoja, olokun, oba, oya y los espíritus de los gemelos (ibeji) para asegurar la supervivencia, protección y establecimiento de la riqueza, la felicidad y la armonía.
Irosun meji habla de preservación de la madre tierra y rituales constantes para iroko, oke y sango. La odu habla del espíritu de abiku, nacido para morir, y los rituales para evitar un desastre tan horrible dentro de la familia.
Las personas con energía de irosun meji siempre deben dar un ritual a su cabeza espiritual, adorar su cabeza con cosas hermosas de la vida que puedan permitirse para que todos sus deseos puedan manifestarse y siempre deben orar por el excedente de posesión material o todo. Ifa habla de superávit, victoria, riqueza, felicidad y alegría, habla del amarillo como el color asociado con Irosun meji.

Contacta a baba en ayeakamarasocietyifa@gmail.com


Para más enseñanza, adivinaciones, consultas, asesoramiento y para la compra de todos los materiales de Ifa.



Difference between OBARA and OGUNDABEDE

Osa Meji is the spirit and the foundation of Iyaami Osoronga Apani Ma Gun , Olokiki Run that is, our lady of nightly rite. It is the spirit that is associated with fear, lack of courage and inability to performance ones responsibility in the face of competition and or lack of total interest to perform one function due to the attack of evil energy or idleness coming form within or from negative energies from one environment or environment  afar. It is the power that govern the beginning of witch and witchy, wizard and wizardry, it is the power that govern evil thought and evil mind, if not curbed by spiritual steps can lead to self destruction or destruction of family which may have a devastating effect on one generation or the society one lives in general.

But when  it is the negative form. Osa meji speaks of fear and fraught with evil intentions . If it appears in the negative way, it is associated with witch and wizard, and negative intention. But in positive way, it means positive change of life, work, and relationship supported by prayer and discipline the energy of Osa Meji can propel us to greater height and success  that will have positive influence on our generation.

OBARA meji is  people of double personality, lack of confidence and uncertain situation  and in most cases, behavior contrary to our  real habit or natural way of life, it is associated with people dual personalities and artistry life. While Ogunda Bede is people with evil intention of robbery, infidelity, dishonest, stealing, immoral behaviour. Ogundabede is associated with promiscuity and laziness. But when Ogundaogbe or Ogundabede is in positive state, it speaks of power of Ogun to restore order, discipline and success in our life and the lives of our generation.

That is the difference of the three energy:

Osa meji 






Ogundaogbe  ou Ogunda bede






Obara Meji 






Aboru aboye.

Obara Meji speaks of double personality, uncertainty and indecision in life. It speaks  of people with multiple personalities  and or dual character traits. While Ogundaogbe or Ogundabede speaks of traitor, infidelity, dishonest, unfaithfulness, lies or robbery, stealing, kleptomaniac attitude .

while odu Obara Meji speaks of two or dual personality traits which may not involves any act of subordination or dishonesty, unfaithfulness or stealing, or any other tricks behaviour, Ogundabede speaks of pure immoral act that include  infidelity and dishonesty, stealing by tricks or stealing by force.

Obara meji, may be suffering from personality disorder, that is, aggressive with family but good with strangers. He may be outspoken at home but discreet when seeing others for the first time or  when meeting a new guy or paranoid when meeting new people. While the people of Ogundabede are people with evil intention, moral bankcruptcy  and with perpetual or tendencies to be false in his dealing with others. Ogundabede are crooks to the core. But when taking the energy of Ogundabede (Ogundaogbe) in a positive way, it  is the energy of Ogunda that attract wealth, wisdom, positive vibration and happiness. It is the power of Ogun to manifest success in our lives and the energy ion Olodumare to bless us beyond our widest imagination.

The spirit of sexual immoralities and dishonesty is the power behind Ogundabede. The spirit of self dissatisfaction and worthlessness  are the spirit of Ogundabede .


Olayinka Babatunde Ogunsina Adewuyi

The distinction between Irunmole and Orisa. The mystery of Odu. Part II

Previously we briefly considered the distinction between Irunmole and Orisa. Today we will consider it a little further and we will also learn about the sacred mystery of Odu.
Irunmole are divine personalities that entered the world of men and took up a human identity, that is, they  lived like ordinary human beings in the physical world. Orisa are a different class of divine beings who became deified or divinized through the power transformation after their departure from the physical state. Irunmole were divine beings of great wisdom and power as the moment of their creation whereas Orisa were beings who became divinized as the result of the lives that they lived. The Orisa became divine by a process of spiritual growth and evolution.
Irunmole have their origin in the divine realm and were chosen in heaven before coming to the world. They descended from the divine upper worlds and dwelled among men, teaching the word of God, science, agriculture, hunting, farming and other essential skills needed by humanity. The Irunmole also instituted the spiritual sciences and introduced them to humanity. The identity of irunmole are shrouded in divine mystery whereas the identity of the Orisa are readily known and recorded since they were born upon the earth.
To clarify things let me reiterate that Irunmole are divine personalities who were born from Olodumare and have the upper divine realms as their original place of residence whereas Orisa were born on earth and achieved their divine status through the laws of spiritual progress, training and effort. Now will proceed to consider the wondrous source of all powers, intelligences, life and harmony: Odu.
The POWER  that created all these  entities are from the one source called Odu. Odu is like the womb or matrix of creation.  Odu is the primordial and eternal ‘mother’. Odu is power and the source of all powers, energies, intelligences and life. This one energy produced and created all things in the world including Irunmole and Orisa. The word Odu  is the centre piece and overall energy that pervades, directs and controls all things in the universe. Odu is  the greatest and the most powerful vibration in the cosmos. All things emanate from Odu and are nourished and maintained by Odu. Odu oversees the progress, development and evolution of the physical-spiritual-divine creations.

The word Odu comes from the sacred name of the supreme being Olodumare. When you break down the word Olodumare into three syllabic word sequences you get  OLO, ODU, MARE.
OLO means  owner and proprietor.

ODU means energy, power, force and vibration.

MARE or MARERE means knowing and doing was is good or absolute goodness. The power that only and always does what is good, right and beneficial.

You will realize that the word Odu is in the middle of the sacred name of the supreme being. Olodumare means the owner of the energy or power or  force that knows what is good, does good and thinks good. The name of Olodumare and its meaning reveals to us and reminds us the things God wants us to do.

Odu is the energy that created all goodness and such energy must take the form of Olodumare. Out of this unique energy comes all creatures including Irunmole and Orisa.
Something you might find interesting about the Irunmole and Orisa is that they have form or divine bodies with features which we can discern, with which they live among us when they choose to descend. Odu on the other hand is a formless entity that  does not take up any form of image but is a  concrete energy that creates all thing. Odu created you, me and all things.
This energy is the power behind all living and non-living things. Odu is the power that directs all forces at all level of existence.

Olodumare categorizes this energy  and break it down into two hundred fifty six sub-energies which is where all living and non-living things derive their lives and their existence. All things exist and flourish within these energy patterns.  Nothing can operate outside these energies but all things fall within the regulating power and oversight of these 256 divine intelligences.

Remember that the greatest forces are invisible forces. This means that   no one can have absolute control over the all  power in creation. But we can make use of the forces of creation for the benefit of one’s life and the lives of ones progeny. Ifa teaches us through much learning, effort, patience and practice how to access these divine energies and how to integrate them in our lives upon making contact with Odu. This is why a person of lazy disposition cannot practice Ifa because of constant and learning and practice that Ifa demands of its students.  What  is learned from Ifa is utilized to remold, reshape and correct the errors of in ones life path i.e. destiny.
Some even see Odu (patterns of potential) as a destiny in entirety.  Such perspective is correct.  God passed these energy onto Orunmila Ifa bara Agbonniregun and from Orunmila to all men in the world.
Some traditions also believe that Odu  came to the world and married Ifa Orunmila.

We can see and appreciate then that Odu is the entity that produces all things. Through marriage to Orunmila the feminine nature of Odu was revealed.  Odu assumes a motherly role in relation to all seen and unseen entities. The most important point to remember is that Odu is the energy that produced all things while Orisa orIrunmole  are entities created by Odu.
Through the instrumentality of the Orisa and Irunmole the knowledge of Odu was passed on to all humanity. Those who learn or initiate into Odu are called Awo or Omo Ifa.  And those who have not initiated are called ogberi because the Odu or spiritual DNA in them has not yet been activated. Hence renew your power or reactivate the indwelling power within you through initiation into Ifa and you will get your Odu. Then you can pray with your Odu always.
The practice and science of praying everyday with your Odu gives you the power to overcome all life’s challenges. Please pray everyday for yourself and others. When you pray for others you join them to the divine energies. When you pray for others the divine light and power of Odu enters their hearts, minds and life in a very subtle but powerful way. Pray with your Ikins or Opele. Please, always try to learn something daily about Odu so as to become a true disciple of God.
Also remember that we can learn together how to pray with Odu and open opele which is called ‘Sise Opele’ with our members who might live near us. I will always try to teach Odu once a week. If you want to learn more and go deeper into Odu you can contact me or one of our knowledgeable members.

Alafia, Olayinka Babatunde Ogunshina Adewuyi

Mark of ODU IFA

One thing human beings do not realize is that we are all marked for progress, success, happiness and progress, and the  UNIVERSAL VIBRATION  also marks some individuas for destruction, losses, fear, worry, sickness, and failure called in IFA as AJOGUN ORUN (Ajogun orun are the  forces responsible for losses, problem with justice, sorrow, diseases, illness , sickness and death ). Marks   are the  secret signs  of OLODUMARE  to identify who will be blessed and who are to be cursed.  Marks are emblems  of divine sign  to separate the the chosen from the unchosen, the signs that   differentiate the wise (awo) from the fool (ogberi). Likewise IFA marks,  are the  secret knowledge of ORUNMILA to identify problem, arising from earthly disorder and the heavenly punitive knights of doom.
IFA marks are mystical codes  and divinie signs to gain freedom from evil vibration and to attract  the attention of GOD and his numerous  divinities and  unknown deities  in the cosmos, so that our happy lot can be preserved and our misfortune can be eradicated or eliminated with these marks if properly used and applied to deter problems.  Hence, every IFA devotees and men of wisdom must learn the various sign or marks of each odu and use it to gain victory over Ajogun orun (punitive Knight of heavenly doom) and all earthly attack .

Use the sign or the mark at the first day of  the week or the first day of the years, or the first hour of the day give you a great spiritual power and divine strength to attract the bundle of unseen divine power  to whatever you do or  think or perform  that day, or that week or that year . IFA sayss, the marks  attract   and install  positive vibration  to your life  and improve your relationship with GOD and his numerous messengers and your guiding divinity.

The marks are sign of harmony, peace and serenic atmosphere to bring into harmony or  contact the seen and the unseen, the material and the ideal, the physical and the spiritual, the tangible and intanglibl , the higher force and the lower  energy, there by creating a conducive and harmonious environment for the victory of the weak and the happiness of the superior.

The marks ensure that the tangible and the material or the seen are guarded and guided  in the cosmos, tutored, protected and directed by the divinities responsible for the life victory and life success. The marks are also a medium to enable the wise one to pass through the jungle and fire of life without  being hurt  by the unseen forces of punitive knights of heavenly doom ( AJOGUN OR ALAJOGUN)  – which is the power from the ether or the negative power from unknown that consumes and affects every life in  the world.

The mark deter power of:
Elenini (those that hate you for no just reason),
– Omo Araiye ( the witches and wizards of the world that are bend to destroy your fortune, if you are not intelligent enough to deter their forces through sound spiritual enlightenment),
– Aseni (the imperfect energies and the enemies within the family, or enemies that pretend to be  friends that constantly disturb the peace of  your life and the harmony  of the member of the family and also the happiness and the success of the members of your group,
Olori-kuku (the stubborn ones, if not curbed want to see that  you  are  consumed by the negative forces of charms, rituals and sacrifices,
Inunibini (the evil thoughts and constant evil thinking, doubt, anger that normally crop up in our hearts or  the  mind  of evil  thoughts affecting our progress, our success and attract other abundant evil thoughts from ether or world around  to crash us  or crash other whom we hold in our thoughts’)
arogosajuologo (those that see your blessing before manifesting and have the power to influence  your fortune and happiness and these power also force you to fight or betray your helper or your mentors).
IFA says: “Evil thoughts affect our progress and our destiny, our happiness, our success and establish a strong negative power in our environment. If not  curbed it  can be a destructive  mechanism to tear away the family and caused a lot unreparable damages, not only to our lives but to our future generations.”
There is also ancestral curse (epe tabi eegun idile) which  must be rectified through iwure (prayer), etutu (rituals), ebo (sacrifices), isese (traditional spiritual steps), itefa (initiation), isera (fasting), ohun (power of spiritual words), ogede owuro (early morning spiritual incantation), ikora-eni- ni-ijanu (discipline and self control) and iwa (sound moral or good  character). Through daily use of  the mark sign of odu odu proper  things will change for the best.

We should always try to mark the sign to enable us get over evil thoughts, evil establishment, evil desire  of others and evil manifestation from the ether.

The mark destroys  the power outside home or fight on our behalf in the unseen world. The mark separates or  demarcates our path and our ways from those who are mark for destruction. The odu  mark is a mark of  victory,  a sign of success  and also attraction to goodness from ether. The mark are touch of Divinity (OLODUMARE)  and symbol of higher spiritual forces. IFA says it is a mark of life, victory and success.

This week , we shall mark Oyeku iwori to push us to the line of happiness, victory, success joy, strength, power, health, peace and harmony, the mark will also deter the power of envy, and jealous from others AGAINST  us and from us to others  or the mark deter  destructive power within, that are responsible for our abitrary habits and character that are not conform to divine glory. The mark is as follows:


When waking up in the morning or after midnight, mark the odu on IFA tray or white plate with one obi , orogbo , atare and cowries  to trigger extra-ordinary  forces of OLODUMARE  and set on motion the power of all divinities, to take control of your life and the lives of those you love. The mark must be performed  in fasting or before you eat very early in the morning . Never eat whenever you want to perform this kind of rituals, ensure that you are in a complete harmony devoid of food, water and sex.

Remember that IFA verse or prayer (most IFA verses are prayer to deter evil manifestation and to aid you to success) can be  chanted in your local language.

may God bless you


Concise essential meaning of Ejiogbe: In cosmogenic terms, Ejiogbe is the primary impulse of expansion, evolution and ascension. Ejiogbe represents the birth of life, it opens the path to knowledge with an objective language, it evokes the light which illuminates the physical and spiritual universe. It is the power of pure thought. Ejiogbe is the unlimited fountain of wisdom that can carry the human spirit above the difficulties of life. In Ejiogbe the power of the spoken words attains its greatest climax.

Refreshing and life giving teachings (sayings) of Ifa to be pondered, internalized and acted upon.

‘Let no palm oil stain your white garments.’

‘Loving-kindness descended from the sky and converted into honey to sweeten my lips.’

‘I honor my ancestors because I am their continuity.’

‘The metal lead does not corrupt and bronze does not oxidize; just like Ikin Ifa never lies.’

‘Be honest and success will pursue you. Be honest and success will always accompany you until the end of your days.’

‘The loyal person or person of fidelity will secure a stable and lofty position but the unreliable and insecure (zig zagging) person will always lose what could have been stable and lofty.’

‘Gratitude is the law of my life. The person who eats the lentils would care for the person who harvested them.’

‘If you listen to and obey your inner voice, intelligence and conscience (ori inu) you will surely persevere and attain success and satisfaction. If you listen to and obey your inner voice, intelligence and conscience (ori inu) your life will you prolong (with added sound health of mind and body).’

‘Do not become discouraged. Do not dishearten Ifa. There is a good future for you. You have hope.’

‘The search and acquisition of money in a honest way will require much patience.’

‘Valor or courage does not frighten, it comforts (and empowers). The wise man will find the valor or courage to confront and defeat fear (anxiety and worry.)

‘The Truth and the Lie argued. The Truth with dignity, victoriously elevated its head in permanent triumph before the ephemeral Lie.’ (The lie and deliberate liars will alway cave in on itself and be destroyed. Lies and liars have no substance and no abiding place in the Realm of Truth.)

‘The person who (pridefully) (vainly) desires to be superior and different from others (put others down or see them as inferior) will soon become consumed by arrogance.’

‘I chosen (intelligently decided) to walk with care, caution and attention. This made of me a prudent person.’

‘An intelligent person doesn’t delay his journey to stop at the desert to count the grains of sand. The wise venerate wisdom like the skunk practices it’s hunting skill.’ (The wise person doesn’t set unrealistic and unattainable goals for himself, but with great care, understanding and sound planning makes or sets practical, methodical and joy giving attainable, essential, beneficial and needful objectives.)

‘The greedy man is never satisfied and knows no contentment or peace. The greedy man doesn’t enjoy what he had because he is always focused and just adding and amassing more unneeded things to his store of possessions. In his greed and obsession to amass more and more he loses true prosperity.’

‘What you have in abundance do not horde, but share it with those in need. Is the the peculiar virtue of the snail to be able to walk without arms or legs. (The person who shares and gives what he has in abundance with those in need will experience the miracle of not lacking any good thing and will alway end of having more than what he had before he began to share with others his surplus of goods, money, wisdom, encouragement etc. It is a miracle that without arms or legs a snail can ‘walk’. It always has and finds what it needs to survive without fretting or worrying.’

May the ase, ire and presence of Ela Omo Osin Asiwaju illuminate you and carry these reliable life giving divine truths into your heart. Ase.

Aboru Aboye.